Chapter 12.

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Couple days later
Simons POV

"Well yeah the rumours are true we do go out," I explained to Ethan as we walked to school.

"What happened? Since when has Simon Minter wanted a girlfriend again?" He asked.

"I didn't but Megan is so hot," I replied.

"Are you only with her because she's hot?"

"Aren't we all just in relationships because someone is good looking?," I lied, I wasn't only with Megan because she was hot. I was with her because of who she is and I feel like she makes me a better person but I can't let people think that.

"I suppose, last time you actually liked a girl for her we know how that turned out" Ethan said referring to my past relationship.

"Exactly," I laughed as the bell rung and we headed to English.

I got in class pretty early which was a surprise for me and Ethan because we are usually late. The class soon began to fill up and then Megan walked in. She smiled at me as she made her way closer.

"Hiya," she whispered as Mrs Heather took the register. I looked at her and smiled, "Hello."

Miss started the lesson and all I could think about was Megan, I've never felt this way about a girl since my ex and that was almost 2 years ago. That relationship failed because of my popularity and people think I'm a dick and a fuck boy when I'm actually not when you get to know me. Some people would say I'm a bully but I'm really not, I'm just easily influenced by others and I have a short temper.

The rumours of me and Megan going out have been going around since Monday and it's now Thursday so we aren't even hiding it anymore because we are both in the popular groups the word got around fast but I'm scared incase Megan finds out that I've said to a couple people that I'm only with her because she's hot which could t be further from the truth.

English finished and the teacher was collecting the projects from group and our name got called last so everyone else had already left.

"Simon, Megan have you got your project?" Mrs Heather asked. Megan smiled and handed it over to her.

"Well done guys, Megan did he make you do all the work?" She joked, Me and Mrs Heather get on pretty well so I didn't mind.

"No he actually helped," Megan laughed.

"Wow Megan, I can't even get him to do work but you come in for a couple of week and have him doing a whole English project, well done!" She laughed and me and Megan left, heading to the lunch hall for break.

On the stairway close to English Megan realised she must have left her phone in English so she ran back to get it while I stayed in the stairway on my phone, when a year 9 ran straight into me making me drop my phone.

"What are you doing," I said towering over him, I could tell he started to get nervous.

"I'm really sorry I never meant it, I just was in a rush to speak to my teacher about homework," he whimpered.

"Homework? You are going to speak to a teacher about homework?," I mocked him. I could see him tear up a little but for some reason this really annoyed me.

"What age are you like 7, why are you crying?" I spat.

"I'm really sorry," He picked up my phone and handed it to me.

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