Chapter 15

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Month later - Saturday Morning
Josh's POV

It was Saturday morning and I had just got back from Ethan's house, I hadn't been drinking last night so i felt fine.

"How was Ethan's?" My mum asked as I sat down at the island on a stool.

"Yeah it was good," I explained.

"Who was all there," she asked while making me some breakfast, it was only 9am so Megan wasn't awake yet.

"Well Ethan obviously, Harry, Tobi, Vikk, JJ and..." I paused for a second trying to think on who I had already said and who I had missed out.

"Simon?" My mum asked.

"Yeah, Simon was there too and lots more other people," I smiled as I watched her cook me some eggs and bacon.

"Have Megan and Simon been okay? She seems to be down quite a lot and quite distant from us and I only noticed it a couple weeks after she got with Simon," my mum asked.

Simon and Megan have been a little bit rough lately, they always seem to be fighting and I'm not being biased here but I'm pretty sure it's always Simon causing the trouble but he's my friend so I'm obviously not going to say anything to him and Megan is used to me blaming things on her.

I still think they like each other but I just don't think they are right for each other like they are two completely different people and it can't be enjoyable to always be arguing then making up and arguing again.

"Em... Yeah I think they are fine, she might just be stressed with school or something?" I lied to my mum.

I know my mum is just curious about it because Megan doesn't really get on that well with my mum, they don't argue or anything they just have never really been that close. I was always close to mum and Megan was close to dad but when he left it really hit Megan hard, she always used to be up front with dad, she'd tell him about boyfriends but she never really spoke to my mum about boyfriends. It's a weird combination but that's Megan for you... weird.

Megan's POV

I lay in bed on my phone, smelling the food that was being cooked downstairs. I would normally be straight down there but lately i've just been really unmotivated.

Recently me and Simon have been fighting a lot more and I don't really like it, the first couple weeks where great we would always have a laugh together but now I feel likes we both need to be careful what we say around each other cause the other might get offended. Dont get me wrong there are still times when we have so much fun and get on so well together but there seems to be a lot more of the arguing than us getting along.

I just think it will be better if we stop going out, Simon seems uninterested and i am just fed up trying to chase him. I've been contemplating it for a while and i think it's time. I'm going to do it today, i'm a shy person but i need to stick up for myself.

To Simon: hiya how was Ethan's?? x

From Simon: it was good i'm just tired

To Simon: That's good then, can we talk later today? x

From Simon: Yeah if u want

Simons POV

I woke up next to Nicole and by me moving it woke her up. I panicked for a second then calmed down.

"What happened between us?" I asked.

"Nothing, well we kissed then came up stairs and fell asleep i think," Nicole said with her hands on her head.

"Megan text me," i said with a sigh.

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