Chapter 7.

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Saturday Mid-day

Megan's POV

"MUM!" I shouted from upstairs in my room as I headed down the stairs.

"MEGAN!" She shouted back at me mimicking how I shouted on her.

"HaHa, you're funny" I said sarcastically but as a joke.

"Mum can I stay at my friends tonight?" I asked obviously not telling her that I was also going to be drinking.

"Eh yeah sure, Josh asked me the same thing earlier before he went to football so I'll have the house to myself for once," My mum smiled with her hands in the sink doing the washing up.

"Thanks!" I grinned, standing up from the kitchen stool I was sitting on and heading upstairs to tell the group chat that I could definitely come.

Girliesss 💓

Guys I can come tonight!!!!!!! x - M

N-Yeyyyyy xx

K- That's so good 🎉

C- Was your mum okay with it??? x

Yeah, she didn't ask many questions! x - M


I was packing my bag for Kaitlin's tonight when Josh knocked on my door, I signalled for him to come in.

"Megan are you going tonight?" He whispered not wanting mum to hear us talking about it.

"Yeah, why are you?" I asked already knowing the answer to my own question.

"Yeah but let's try not argue or anything cause that would be awkward for us both. You don't speak to me and I won't speak to you, deal?" He asked smirking.

"Deal" I smile back shaking the hand he had held out.

Me and Josh have been to the same party before and we just stay out of each other's way and everything's fine. We actually get on quite well. When our parents were together we didn't because Josh would always say I was Dad's favourite, which I was and I would always argue that he was Mum's favourite, again which he was and we hated each other but now we get along quite well.


My mum gave me a lift to Kaitlin's house, "Bye Megan" she shouted from the car. I had already shut the door so I just smiled and waved. Kaitlin greeted me at the door, I waved once more to my mum and stepped inside the house.

I got led upstairs into Kaitlin's room where Emma, Nicole, Cara and Chloe where sitting doing their makeup. I had already done my makeup and hair ,I just needed to get changed out my joggies. I put my light blue skinny jeans on and my white crop top, I matched the outfit with my brand new Stan Smiths. My makeup was natural with a nude lip and my hair was down as usual.


We had already had some pre-drinks when the guys showed up. Instead of going to the park we just decided to stay at Kaitlin's. There was thirteen of us sat in her living room and we were all really merry.

"Let's play spin the bottle," Ethan shouted holding up the empty Vodka bottle we all had devoured. We all shouted in agreement and sat in a circle with the music still playing in the background.

First to spin was Kaitlin, it took ages to land on the second person but it finally did and it was Harry who was getting a kiss off of Kaitlin. They both leaned in and kissed, everyone counted to three before they were aloud to separate. That was one of the only rules, you had to kiss for three seconds and it had to be like a proper kiss, we where all to drunk to care.

Next it was me to spin. I spun it and it landed on Josh.

"No way am I kissing my brother," I slurred, everyone laughed and agreed that I got to spin again.

This time it landed on someone who's lips I had already experienced. Me and Simon were sitting opposite from each other in the circle so we went into the middle and joined for our kiss.

We shut our eyes and leaned in, I put my hands on the back of his head for support as everyone started kissing. Just as they counted to two Simon slipped his tongue in and I done the same not giving a fuck because I was hammered.

We eventually separated and I smiled at him and went back to how I was sat before. The next person spun the bottle but I didn't even pay attention I was just remembering our kiss.


We stopped playing spin the bottle and just went back to drinking and listening to music. I looked around the room and everyone had someone apart from Vikk he was passed out on the sofa sleeping.

Cara had Tobi, Nicole had Ethan, Chloe was with Josh, Kaitlin had Harry, Emma had JJ and I was dancing with Simon.

"Megan you're so hot tonight," Simon spoke into my ear. I bit my lip and looked at him "Thanks babe," Apparently when I get drunk I call people 'babe'.

I was so drunk, I was slurring my words but I was having a really good time and so was everyone else.

Me and Simon went into the kitchen to get another drink. I opened myself a can of 'Dragon Soop' and leaned against The kitchen table as Simon got himself one.

He stood infront of me and put his hand on my neck pulling me in for another kiss, I didn't hesitate. His body was pressing me against the edge of the table and his hands had made their way down to my ass, I never flinched I allowed him to do it. I had my arms wrapped around his neck as I kissed back.

"Wow, watch out the love birds are out" JJ teased making me and Simon instantly stop to face him, "Don't stop on my account" JJ said opening the fridge and holding his hands up. Simon laughed.

He took my hand and lead me upstairs. We opened a door and saw Kaitlin and Harry going at it so we backed up out of that room and went to a different one.

We started kissing again as he pulled his top off, I done the same leaving me in just my bra and jeans. I saw Simons eyes widen when I took my top off which made me smirk a little. We lay down on the bed, Me straddling Simons waist as we kissed. We kept our jeans on because I didn't feel comfortable going the full way which Simon was okay about....
Scandalous ;) This was quite a rubbish chapter because it was all over the place but if your enjoying this story please vote for it, it tells me you enjoy it :))

Thanks for reading

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