Chapter 2.

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"I don't see why we needed to move, our house was perfectly fine!" I shouted at my mum storming out the kitchen and up the stairs.

"Megan you know we move a lot because of my work and I can't help that" my mum answered me.

"Megan seriously stop moaning" My older brother Josh said as we passed each other on the stairs.

I didn't reply I just glared at him. It's okay for him, he has friends that live in London from when we used to live here, all my friends live back in Scotland.

I sat myself down on the only piece of made furniture in my room, my bed. I just looked at all the boxes that still had to be unpacked.


"Will I ever get a break" I huffed.

I reluctantly stood up from my bed and walked down the stairs and out to the van.

"Cheer up Megs, you can go to school tomorrow meet some new people." She smiled.

I felt bad that I shouted at my mum because she was trying her hardest to make me feel better but I was having none of it.

"Yeah" I rolled my eyes as I picked up the next box and carefully carried it indoors.

"Josh, why are me and mum doing all the lifting and your just sitting there on your phone?" I moaned as I dropped the box on the floor.

"Who's mums favourite? And who has been putting the furniture together all morning?"Josh asked rhetorically."Exactly"

"Well if your putting furniture together go and finish the stuff in my room please" I smiled a fake smile.

"Em.... Nope" Josh smiled back at me.

"Josh go and finish your sisters furniture please, it won't take you long. An hour maybe!" Mum butted in.

Josh always done as mum says and in turn that has made him my mums favourite. I was always a daddy's girl but since my dad left us I have always kind of been second best. When our dad left, Josh took on the roll of being the male figure in the house and he hates disappointing mum.

He hesitantly stood up from his chair and made his way up to my room. I decided I better not bother him so I just stayed down here and helped my mum un-pack.


"Megan me and Josh are going to do some food shopping, see if we can get something for dinner. Do you want to come?" My mum said popping her head round what was suppose to be the living room door but it was just a large empty room with a stool in it.

"Nah, I'll just stay here but can you get me something sweet please" I smiled as my mum nodded her head and left the house.

When she left I realised that I had the house to myself what better to do than... Sort my room out. So much fun. I jogged up the stairs whilst taking in every flaw this house had on my way up.

My room was bare. The white walls made it look so big and my furniture sat in the middle not in any particular place.

"May as well just get started" I said aloud to myself as I got out my IPhone and put my music on shuffle. Sia - Alive came on and I started moving things about.

After my playlist, I was done. it's a solid 2 hour long playlist but I'm happy I'm finished. I tried to replicate my room back in Scotland, it kinda worked. Now that all my furniture was in I started to like this place a little bit.

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