Chapter 16.

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Simons POV

I'm glad i have a new start with Megan because i do really like her but i don't know what happened with Nicole, it was just kinda in the moment but it makes things worse because she's Megan's best friend... well she's not a very good friend but Megan likes her.

I had woke up before Megan and she looked so peaceful as she lay on her stomach asleep. I really need to speak to Nicole soon ask her what we're going to do cause i swear if she tells Megan, i'll be very annoyed at her and Nicole seems like that kind of person.

30 minutes after i woke up Megan started to stir and eventually she opened her eyes. "Morning," she said looking up at me and putting on her glasses.

"Morning," i smiled as she pulled her long, thick brown hair into a bun and lay her head back on the pillow.

"What are you doing today?" I asked.

"Well you have football so ill probably just go home and finish off some assignments," She replied.

"Megan all you do is school work why don't you go out with Nicole and Cara?" I regretted saying that when i did because i realised that i wanted Megan to stay away from Nicole until tomorrow cause that's when i'm planning on speaking to her about what happened.

"Yeah i'll see, i dunno if i can be bothered going out." She replied.


Mirrins POV

Simon had to leave in a rush to go to football and left me in his room, he told me to get ready whenever and leave when i wanted but i found it weird being in his house without him so i got out of bed 5 minutes after he left and started getting ready.

After i got changed i decided to make his bed for him because i was the last one in it and it's kinda rubbish for me just to leave it a mess.

I took the pillows off and threw them on the floor and as i was tucking the duvet in at the edges i found a pair of girls pants down the back of his head board, at first i thought maybe they were mine but we have never done anything like that at his and they weren't my size.

I picked them up and got really angry, 'If these aren't mine, who's are they?' i said in my head, Just when i think things are going well for us something bad happens and we are back to the start again. I sat on the edge of his bed for a while, contemplating what to do before i finally decided i would deal with it later and i that i just wanted out his room.

I finished making the bed, then i decided that i would lay the pants out on the bed and let him realises for himself that he had fucked up. I grabbed my stuff and left.


"What an actual dick!" I said over the skype call to Cara and Nicole.

"I told you he was a fuck boy Megan, you never listened to me!" Nicole moaned.

"Wait Megan, you never know there could be an explanation to this," Cara said trying to make me feel better.

"How could there be?" Nicole said, she seemed like she wanted it to be something bad.

"It's kinda hard for this to be a misunderstanding, Cara don't you think? How do you accidentally hide pants down the back of your bed?" I questioned.

"Maybe they are yours and you just haven't realised?" Cara suggested.

"Nah they can't be mine, they weren't my size and they were lace but like kinda ugly lace they weren't very pretty and i've never owned a pair that looked like that,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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