Chapter 6.

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Megan's  POV

I can't be bothered with school today but I know I have to go in and I also think it will be awkward between me and Simon.

"Megan you're going to have to walk to school today" Josh said to be as I tied my shoes.

I let out a groan as I looked at my mum with pleading eyes. "Sorry Megan, I can't take you either" she smiled.

"Simon walks to school as well, just walk with him" Josh suggested.

"What? No" I said letting out a short laugh.


"Bye mum" I shouted as I shut the door, I faintly heard her say goodbye back.

I walked down my street and I was about to turn the corner when my name was shouted, I turned around to see Simon slowly jogging closer for me. I waited for him not wanting to seem rude.

"Morning" I smiled when he caught up and was walking next to me.

"Morning" he said breathing heavy after having just ran down the street.

"How are you?" Simon said breaking the awkward silence.

"I'm good thanks, how are you?" I asked returning the question.

"Im fine" he replied with a smile.

The walk to school got less awkward the more we walked. I realised that throughout the walk I was constantly smiling because of Simon, he would either make funny statements or just smile himself.

We walked up to the school gates and that's when Nicole and Cara approached me, they were smirking as they got closer.

"What?" I asked still walking near Simon. "Nothing" Nicole smirked.

"Bye Megan" Simon said as Tobi, Ethan and Harry neared us. I smiled back at him before saying 'bye'.

I was now in-between Nicole and Cara and they nudged me, "What?" I laughed.

"You two!" Cara squealed with a massive smile on her face.

"What about us? I was walking to school and bumped into him, I didn't want to just walk past him or ignore him" I told the truth.

"So what happened last night with your English work?" Nicole cocked an eyebrow.

I instantly smiled and laughed to myself, "Nothing happened" I lied.

"Megan we might have only known you for a week or two but I can tell that your lying."
I smiled at them both not saying anything.

They both gasped, "You two kissed, didn't you. You and Simon kissed" Nicole being her loud self practically shouted.

"Nicole shut up." I nudged her trying to keep my serious face on. They both looked at each other and nodded their heads.

"You definitely kissed," They teased. "How did you come to that conclusion?" I tried reasoning.

"If you didn't kiss then you wouldn't have cared that much when Nicole shouted just then" Cara said.

"Right okay we did but you can't tell anyone please. It meant nothing," I begged finally giving in to the pressure they were putting on me.

"Ha, I knew it. Megan you give in too easily" Cara stated as we walked into the school building.

End of school day on Friday

All the girls including Nicole and Cara at my table in RE where talking about how they were going to be going to the park tomorrow night and drinking.

I've only ever drank twice and both times didn't end very well.

"Megan you coming tonight?" Emma, the popular girl asked. I was friends with the popular girls, like I sat at their table but I wasn't really close to them like I am to Nicole and Cara.

Everyone at my table was looking at me smiling, pushing me towards saying yes and to be honest I've wanted to get out and just let go.

"Em yeah, my mum should say yes. I'll need to be sensible though" I said with a nervous giggle, scared incase they judged me.

"Hey, if you don't want your mum to catch you stay at mine after it, my parents are out of town and everyone else going is coming to mine after." Kaitlin, another girl smiled.

"What? Even the boys?" I asked. "Yeah my mum and dad don't mind as long as they don't come home to a trashed house its okay" Kaitlin smiled back.

For the rest of the period we carried on talking about it and now I could properly join in because Emma invited me. We were talking about how we where going to get the drink and stuff like that.

"Wait so who's going?" I asked a bit unsure if anyone I didn't know was coming.

"Me, Kaitlin, Chloe, Anna, Nicole, Cara, You and 'The Sidemen'.... Oh and Cal and Joe" Emma listed.

It was all going great till she mentioned the sidemen, what if Josh is going. He might tell my mum that I'll be drinking however if he's going he'll probably be drinking as well so if he tells mum on me then I'll tell on him. Sounds childish but I don't really care.
Next chapter will be the Saturday of the partying hahaha :)) if you liked that chapter make sure you vote sure it!!

Thanks for reading

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