Chapter 4.

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Saturday Morning

I woke up at 11:45 am by my mum knocking on the door, "Megan do you want a bacon roll?" She said popping her head round the door.

I rubbed my eyes and lifted the covers from over my face, "Yes please" I smiled, covering my face again and stretching.

"Well you better get in a shower and get changed." My mum said walking out the room.

I got out my bed, picked an outfit and headed for the shower before Josh beat me to it. When I got out i changed and went downstairs.

"Why are we going round to theirs?" I heard Josh say as I got nearer the kitchen.

"Because I bumped into her and we got speaking and they invited us for dinner"

"Where are we going?" I asked a bit confused.

"The neighbours that gave us that basket, their house for dinner" my mum said, that means I'll have to go to Simons house. I hope he isn't like what he's like in school.

"Oh, why?" I sat down and ate my bacon roll.

"Because it's nice to get to know your neighbours" my mum smiled.


I practically done nothing all day apart from re watch seasons 10 & 11 of Geordie Shore. My mum said I needed to get changed into something nicer because apparently my joggies and hoodie aren't very "dinner appropriate".

So I went for another shower and got changed into something nicer. I put on my black denim button up skirt from Topshop, my white bralet which showed off an inch of my stomach, my black converse, my pandora ring and Michael more watch. (Media)

I done very subtle makeup and I straightened my long dark brown hair so that it would cover my bare shoulders.

At Simons front door.

"You two, no arguing." My mum said smirking.
"Mum we're not five." I laughed then the door started to open. Me and Josh stood a step behind mum.

"Come in, Come in" The lady smiled. My mum edged her way in and we followed. "You look beautiful...." She said hinting for me to tell her my name. "Megan" I smiled. "Megan, what a lovely name, I'm Loraine" she grinned. "And you must be Josh"

She led us into the dining room where a man, Simon and another guy sat talking. Again just like before me and Josh stood a bit behind my mum as Loraine told us to sit down.

(Table setup)

"Megan, Josh this is my son Simon and Nick" I glanced at Simon and smiled then at his brother

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"Megan, Josh this is my son Simon and Nick" I glanced at Simon and smiled then at his brother. "Take a seat." Simons mum pushed me (not physically) to sit in the chair next to Simon and Josh to sit in the chair next to me.

"David this is Carol, Josh and Megan" Loraine smiled again as she stood up to go to the kitchen, he leaned over the table and shook my hand, then Josh's and he couldn't reach my mum so he just nodded his head and smiled.

My mum and Simons parents got on really well. Simon was being really nice to me talking about school and stuff. Even though Simon was being nice I still spent most of the night talking to Josh.

Simons POV

After spending the night with Megan I've found out she's actually really nice, well I knew that the second she opened the door that day. I'm different in school because if I was caught eyeing up the new girl in school it would hurt my popularity.

She's becoming friends with Cara and she's in the popular girl group so if she makes it into that group then I could start to like her in school as well.

Megan's POV

"Thank you so much for dinner tonight it was lovely, next time you'll need to come over to our house" My mum said as we stood at the door saying goodbye. "Yeah that would be amazing" Loraine smiled.

Me, my mum and Josh left their house and headed straight home. When we got in I went up to my room to get ready for bed because it was now 12am. I took my makeup off, put my hair up and got changed into my pyjamas before getting into bed.

I was just about asleep when my phone buzzed, I picked it up:

07935374809: Hey Megan it's Simon, Josh gave me your number. Tonight was fun. My mum told me to thank you for coming tonight :))

I smiled as I read the text before replying with:

It was great spending time with you, out of school, I'm happy out parents got along well. Tell your mum thanks for having us :) x

I put my phone down and went to sleep.
Hey!! If you liked this chapter please vote for it, it tells me that you enjoyed it :) Do you think Simon will go back to ignoring Megan again when they go back to school or do you think he'll be nice and acknowledge her??? Guess you'll just have to keep reading ;) Also do you like that I include outfits in the media or would you prefer it was different and if so what would you prefer it to be?! Also I always aim for my chapters to be longer that 600 words but if sometimes that doesn't happen please don't be annoyed!! <3

Thanks for reading

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