Putting two young adults in the same room doesn't help us bond at all; it just makes everything even more awkward. What were the doctors thinking when they decided to put us together? "Oh, maybe they'll talk to each other and help comfort one another."
Then what the hell is this?
I'm just sitting here with this calculus book in my hand, facing him, and just watching him lay on the bed with his head parched on his arms. We haven't said one word to one another for, what, a few hours now?
I decide to break the silence. "Is there something your thinking about?"
Darkness of the night decides to fade away from his eyes and he pulls his head up. "I'm trying to imagine what she looks like. What do you think she looks like, Soojung? Brown hair? Black?"
I think for a few seconds and then answer, "I think she has dark brown hair and eyes with a beautiful smile. That's what I think."
He sighs and then goes back to his weird position. "I don't even know, really. It's so hard to even think correctly when your brain is basically damaged from it's normal state. Wait, I don't even know what 'normal' is."
I close the math textbook and stand up from the couch. Yawning, I stretch my arms out up into the ceiling as my mouth experts weird noises. "You should really go to bed now, Jongin. I'm going to call it a night; g'night."
After saying that, I begin to walk into my room to get ready for a shower but is interrupted when Jongin speaks up again.
"Soojung, do you think we'll even get out memories back? Like, all of them?"
I turn around and just breathe out.
"I doubt even the doctors know what the treatment for this is. They probably do, but they don't have enough information to verify it," I walk a few more steps before stopping again on my own will. "You must really want to meet her again, don't you?"
"I can't really say that I miss her because of my lost memories but I really do."
My heart stops beating for a split second after hearing that and then gets back onto it's regular track that started with a rough start.

Unreal (KaiStal f.f)
Romance"This is unreal..." I whisper. "No, Soojung. This is completely real." // Sequel of 'Water Droplets'.