"Your results will be talked about with the team of doctors first, then you'll be able to hear most of it. It's quite surprising, actually, your results. We also have to send them to Zaq Anderson, the creator of Romanse, and his team."
What the hell? As the patient and person who was the main figure in this experiment, I should be the first one to know the results after the doctors! Why is that bastard getting my results without my permission? He's not even doing crap to help even figure out what went wrong in there.
"Whatever, it's not like I can do anything about it," I whisper then almost trip on air. Gosh, this basically explains how high that medicine made me.
"Pardon, Miss? Did you say something?" the nurse who is guiding me to Jongin's room asks.
I shake my head and then take a left around a corner. "No, I didn't say anything. I think you must've heard wrong," I lie. It would be such a long thing to talk about, anyways.
Omo, there he is! Jongin, my dear friend.
"Jongin-ah!" I call and run towards him with adrenaline everywhere in my body.
I feel the medicine just splash around in my brain causing my cells and whatnot to just go crazy. Even though I can feel myself saying and doing this myself, I can even control it. Like, it's so powerful...
My prince— No, oh my gosh. I'm going crazy. Jongin, I mean, doesn't have time to even turn around when I tackle him with a back hug and then falter a bit when my head spins in 4 circles.
"Hey, you okay?" he grabs my hands and turns around. My smile disappears for a few seconds as I try to stop my head from spinning.
"That medicine really takes the life out of you," I mutter, holding my head. God damn, did they just inject legit drugs into me? Like, pounds of crack?
He ruffles my hair and smiles.
"Don't worry, you're going to feel dead like me in a few minutes."
I disagree with him. "I better be dead. I'd rather be in heaven with God than having this— ow."
Jongin kisses the side of my head quickly and then swings his arm around my waist.
"Let's go into our room, eh?"

Unreal (KaiStal f.f)
Roman d'amour"This is unreal..." I whisper. "No, Soojung. This is completely real." // Sequel of 'Water Droplets'.