I couldn't find music that went with this chapter, so have a fun time staring at this edit that [credits] eveninmydreams made of Jongin smooching Soojung. ♡
( It's cut off, too, 'cause the original is too big, lol. T__T )
The heat is incredibly warm today and I can feel my skin just pumping oil from the pores. Do you know what makes everything worse? Lifting new, heavy furniture from a large truck to the condo. My back feels like it's about to break into a million puzzle pieces soon.
"Aish..." I bend my back backwards with my hands on my hips. The sun manages to shine through my eyelids, and when I open them I feel like I just had lava thrown at me.
Jongin runs out from the entrance of the huge building and tackles me with a smooch on the cheek. "There's only one thing left to carry and then we can have time to ourselves."
"This kid, seriously... I have to study so I can go to school tomorrow. No fun tonight, Jongin," I laugh and escape from his arms. He whines for a few seconds and then stops saying anything. His eyes widen as he sees something, or someone, behind me.
"What—" I half turn my body around when Jongin grabs my arms and holds me tightly to his chest. Is he doing this for fun or...?
The person, I'm guessing, behind me starts to walk away; I can tell because of their shoes hitting the burning pavement with a normal pace. I stay still as Jongin starts to ease his arms.
"Don't ask anything," he whispers and pulls me onto the truck where the last piece of furniture sits. I look at his face as he puts his hands under the coffee table; it has remarkably gone pale even under the hot rays of the sun.
I help him lift the table so I don't keep him waiting forever. Without saying a word, we back out of the truck and onto the sidewalk. I moan out of pain from my lower back and force myself to set the table onto the ground.
"Soojung-ah, are you okay?" Jongin also lets go of the table and rushes to my side. The pain doesn't feel like a sore; it's more like sudden surges of electricity just pulsing around the area for a few seconds and then returning around a minute later.
Luckily enough, the truck men who are helping us move the furniture make it back on time to move the coffee table up to the 8th floor. They have elevators, of course, so don't be too overwhelmed.
"Would you like this to be moved upstairs?" one of them ask without even asking about how I'm doing. I feel the sweat just pouring down the sides of my head as Jongin says a few quick words to the men.
He pats my back to make sure I'm doing fine and then thanks the men for helping us with everything today.
"Here, get on my back," he kind of squats down and looks back. Flustered that we're in public, I shake my head and tell him to get up.
"If you don't get on my back, I'll be ashamed for being your boyfriend. Now, hurry and get on," he orders. Honestly, how can anyone refuse something like this? Such a gentleman he is, really.
I jump onto his back which actually causes more pain for me; the middle of my spine just felt like it seriously broke. More sweat is pouring out of my pores and anyone could seriously think I'm an ill person right now.
"Let's gooOOO!" he dashes as if I don't weigh an ounce. His arms tighten around my thighs as he runs up the small, asphalt stairs and through the entrance into the lobby of the building.
I think I just fell asleep for like 3 minutes because I'm now in our room, on our bed. The room is still bare with boxes laying everywhere and Jongin nowhere to be seen.
God, my back hurts even more now. I groan, not wanting to move an inch just to even use the bathroom. At the moment, Jongin walks in with what seems like a hot pack and a cup of... coffee?
"You fell asleep for like 2 hours, so I couldn't give you a massage. Sorry," he pouts and sets the stuff onto the table next to our bed. He sits down next to me and then begins rubbing my side.
"Does your back still hurt? Do you want me to massage it?" he pulls the covers off of me and swings his legs onto the bed.
"That'd be nice, but—"
"ooKAY!" he rolls me over so my back is facing up and pulls my shirt up almost high enough to see the clasp of my bra.
"Hey! M-My bra is... going to show!" My cheeks become hot. Chuckles escape from his mouth and he begins rubbing my back with his bare hands. Curse words almost escape my lips as he climbs onto butt and sits there as if I'm a saddle.
Leaning in so close to my ear that I'm about to die of... hotness, he whispers, "Who cares if your bra is about to be shown to me? I'll see everything under it one day."
ㅁ-ㅁ dis boi
"Jongin!" I yell out of shyness and roll over onto my back again. Who cares if my back's about to die? This kid needs a lesson on manners.
"Hey, you can't jus—" I was about to rant about how he's being too hot (I admit, ugh...) for me when he grabs my face and pecks my lips.
"Love you~" he sings and then jumps off the bed. I curse and then roll out of bed to chase after him.
"Hey, Kim Jongin! Get your ass back here!" I scream and run out of the room. To the worst of luck, he was standing right outside the door with his foot out to trip me.
Like a whale diving into an ocean, I fall hard into his arms and instinctively grab his arm.
"I really love you, Soojung-ah," he whispers and kisses me again without letting go of my body.
I pull away and rest our foreheads together, staring into his eyes.
"I love you, too," I whisper and smile. There's nothing more that I can ask for of God, and I'm thankful that everything in the end worked out fine, except some other things, of course.
However, even with those things that still bother me, I'm so in love with this guy that I don't even have anything to worry about. Why?
Because he is my world and all that matters to me right now.

Unreal (KaiStal f.f)
Romance"This is unreal..." I whisper. "No, Soojung. This is completely real." // Sequel of 'Water Droplets'.