Chapter 5

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A/N: A special treat. Two updates! Gotta love it!

The Naiad Trilogy

Part 3: The Naiad Queen

Chapter 5

Ava opened her eyes as lazily as the sun drifting through the open balcony doors. Her eyes immediately fell on the pile of clothes on the table and the festivities of the previous night rushed back to her. She remembered the ceremony and the dancing, but most of all she remembered the moment she and Caspian made love for the first time.

Making Love.

Ava never really understood that phrase. She'd heard it among the older servants in the King's Castle but it never made sense to her. How does one "make love" with a man? You either love him or you don't. Last night though, Ava got to experience the act first hand and it was suddenly very clear to her.

It wasn't really about making anything; it was merely converting love from one form to another. Ava and Caspian took their emotional connection and made it a physical connection; they turned their feelings into something that was tangible. The love they had for one another grew beyond reason until it consumed the cabin, the whole ship even, in its fiery passion.

Ava remembered every detail from her romp in the sheets with Caspian. She remembered every kiss, every touch, every sound, and every wild and raw feeling. Ava even remembered the moment they first joined as one and the pain she felt and the tears that stung her eyes, but Caspian had held her close, whispered gentle "I love yous" in her ear, and placed soft kisses all along her neck and shoulders until the pain subsided. Ava further remembered the wondrous feeling that followed the pain as they set a gentle rhythm and moved as one person.

Ava sighed contently at the memories and the arm around her waist tightened slightly. She gently rolled onto her other side and came face to face with her sleeping husband. His hair fell over his face and Ava pushed it aside, carefully so as not to wake him. Even in his sleep he had a loving smile on his lips. Ava wondered if he was remembering last night too, or was he thinking of other things?

Ava let her eyes roam over what she could see of Caspian, which wasn't must since the sheet came up mid-stomach. But that didn't matter because Ava's eyes wouldn't have moved beyond his bare chest even if she wanted them to. Her eyes were stuck on the smooth, even muscles of his arm, shoulders, and chest. She could see how spending the last few months working on a ship had toned his muscles, making them firmer and more defined. Ava was mesmerized by the near perfection of his skin.

There was one minor blemish Ava found. A scar about three inches in length ran across Caspian's right shoulder. Ava remembered the day Caspian received that scar well; she had been called to heal the wound. Ava traced the length of the scar lightly with her finger and a rush of emotion came over her.

It was gone.

Her magic was gone. She would never again feel the pulse of her magic as she healed. She would never again know the Narnian's thoughts. She would never again see the waters as a Naiad. Those days were over.

Ava's light brushing caused Caspian to stir. He moaned softly and pulled Ava closer as he snuggled into her. Without hesitation Ava wrapped her arms around his neck, and the warmth that flooded her senses was enough to wash all of her previous thoughts away. It was true; she would never do those things again, but if she could wake every morning wrapped in Caspian's embrace, enveloped in his love, and surrounded by his support, well...that was more than enough.

After Ava came to this conclusion she tilted Caspian's head up and kissed him full on the mouth. Caspian responded immediately by slipping his hand into her hair and parting his lips, allowing her tongue access. Caspian rolled onto his back pulling Ava along with him as their mouths began a dance only they knew. Both Caspian and Ava moaned gently as their hands explored each other's body, gliding effortlessly over smooth, bare skin.

"Hmm, I could get used to waking up like this every morning," Caspian said as their kiss came to a close. Ava giggled as she looked down at his smiling face. His hands came to a rest on the sides of her thighs which resided on either side of Caspian's hips.

"Might I inquire as to the reason behind such a generous good morning kiss?" he asked.

"Just because I love you," Ava replied.

"Then perhaps I should return the favor?" Caspian growled seductively. He flipped Ava on her back without warning and began sucking and nibbling at the tender skin of her neck. Ava's shocked giggles turned into full on laughter.

"Caspian!" she shrieked breathlessly. "Your beard, it tickles! Caspian!"

Suddenly there was a single knock on the door. Caspian's head shot up instantly and Ava's eyes grew wide.

"If that's Rhince..."

Caspian quickly silenced Ava by placing a few fingers over her lips. His eyes stayed locked on the door, his ears listened for something Ava could not hear. After a few more seconds of silence, Caspian shrugged his shoulders.

"Breakfast is here," he said.

"Wait, what?" Ava exclaimed quietly. "You were expecting them to knock?"

"Well, yes. I asked them to bring some fruit over for us, and told them to knock once so I'd know it was there. More than one knock would mean that they needed me for something."

Ava pushed Caspian off of her so she could see him better. "I can't believe you told them to come on board at all. Oh! What if they heard me call your name and they thought...Oh! This is so embarrassing!" Ava's face turned bright red and she tried to hide behind her hands. Caspian, on the other hand, thought the whole situation was rather amusing and started laughing at Ava.

"Stop laughing! This isn't funny, Caspian. What if they heard something and they thought..."

"Actually it is rather funny. Ava, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Most of the men have wives, they know what goes on."

"That's not helping, Caspian!" Ava pulled the sheet up to cover her face. "Oh! Oh! Oh!"

"That probably doesn't help either," Caspian laughed.

"Caspian!" Ava slapped his arm lightly before hiding her face again. Suddenly she thought of something. "How well does this cabin hold sound?"

"Not very well from what I recall, why?"

"Well that settles it then. There's no way we could possibly have any relations while on board. Not if there will be men about."

"But Ava, it will be nearly two months before we reach Narnia. Surly you do not expect me to wait that long before I lay with you again?"

"I most certainly do! I won't have the risk of someone walking by and hearing things which are meant to be private."

"Oh? Is that so?" Ava nodded and suddenly Caspian's smile turned mischievous. "Well then, if all you are worried about is someone hearing something they shouldn't..." Caspian quickly maneuvered himself so that he was once more hovering over Ava's naked form as she lay on her back. "Then we will have to find a way to keep quiet." He lowered himself onto her so that their skin touched. Ava gasped, and Caspian knew she could feel him.

"Caspian, I really don't think that's going to work." She sounded like one usually sounds when they are out of breath.

"Really? Well you know, if I must go two months without you, then you must go two months without me." He slowly ran a hand up her body from knee to naval, his fingers trailing lightly along her inner thigh.

Ava gulped. "Generally that's how that works, yes."

"Are you sure you can handle that?" As his first hand moved up to cup one of her breasts, his other hand followed the first path. Ava exhaled and her eyes fluttered closed at his touch. Caspian lowered his lips to kiss along her collar bone before moving his mouth to her bosom. He felt her squirm beneath him, sparking a lustful fire in him.

"Per—perhaps we ca—can come to so—some mutual agreement," Ava stuttered out.

Caspian smirked against her skin before lifting his head to look into her eyes. "I knew you'd see it my way."

Without further hesitation Caspian captured Ava's lips between his own.

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