Chapter 23

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I know it's been awhile, and I'm sorry. I got swept away in my HP fic. But here you go.

The Naiad Trilogy

Part 3: The Naiad Queen

Chapter 23

Rilian cried out in anguish and frustration. He flung his sword to the ground and fell to his knees, burying his face in his hands. He had been searching for the demon serpent all morning, and again he had found nothing. Maybe his sister was right; maybe it was time to give up the search. Maybe.

Rilian lifted his eyes and the first thing they fell upon was the spot, the patch of heather that she had laid on. It had grown over in the last few months, but Rilian knew that it was the spot. She had laid there. His mother had laid in that spot to rest, and that's where she had been bitten. That's where his world fell apart. Like a quickly spreading fire, Rilian's rage was renewed. He threw his head back and cried out.

"WHY! Aslan, why? Why did you allow this to happen? Why did you take her from me? What have I done to you? How have I angered you so that you must punish me in such a way?" His voice began to give and he let his head drop back down. As tears began to roll down his cheeks he whispered, "Why have you forsaken me?"

Rilian became a statue. He did not speak. He did not move. He barely breathed. He sat perfectly still with his eyes closed, listening. He listened for any sign or whisper that Aslan might send. He heard none. He heard only the beating of his own heart, the gentle flow of the river over the rocks, and the soft footsteps approaching from behind.

Footsteps? "Rilian, you fool! You've let your guard down and now some foe has come upon you!" Rilian looked for his sword; it was lying on the ground before him, but it was out of reach. He listened again. He heard a single set of footsteps, slightly louder, but no others and no horses. He looked back to his sword. His heart was beginning to race in his chest and he fought to control it. He could still get out of this precarious situation that he had gotten himself in, but it would require perfect precision and careful timing.

"Be calm, Rilian. Wait," he told himself. He closed his eyes and steadied his breathing. He listened carefully; the footsteps came closer. "Wait." He breathed in deep. "Wait." The footsteps came right up behind him. Rilian's eyes flew open. "Now!" He somersaulted forward, grabbing his sword as he rolled, pushed himself up on his knees again, and spun around. He held his sword up to fend off the blow of a sword that was sure to come, but never did.

Rilian looked at the person before him curiously. It wasn't some foe; it was a girl, a lady to be more precise. A young maiden appearing to be around Rilian's age and of a rare exotic beauty stood before him. She was dressed in a simple green dress that appeared to be made of soft, airy fabric. Her dark hair fell in rolling waves over her shoulders. Her lips looked soft and red; her skin, smooth and flawless, was like an almond. Her emerald eyes were slightly widened with fear. When she spoke, her voice was like a lullaby, tender and delicate.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fr-righten you, young Sir-r-r." She trilled her R's musically.

Rilian's eyes carefully searched the area around them, looking for anyone else, but they were alone. It was just him and the lady. He kept his sword raised as he stood up. "Where did you come from? How did you get here?"

"I walked."

"From where?"

"My home. It's just behind us, in the forest there."

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