Chapter 27

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The Naiad Trilogy

Part 3: The Naiad Queen

Chapter 27

Rhea left the tower of Owlwood and followed the brook along to another stream which emptied into the marshes. There she traveled through the mucky water until she came upon the wigwam belonging to the Marsh-wiggle Puddleglum. Puddleglum was the one Marsh-wiggle that Rhea believed would be willing to help the children in their quest; most Marsh-wiggles would never even consider leaving the marshes. Rhea left the water and pulled the weeds from her hair as she approached the wigwam. She knocked softly outside wall next to the flap opening.

"Puddleglum. Puddleglum, wake up. Please, Puddleglum." Rhea stepped back a little as she heard the padding of feet across the floor. The flap opened to reveal a creature with yellow-green skin, long skinny legs and arms, and webbed hands and feet.

"So, there has been an attack on the castle and you alone have escaped. Now you seek refuge here. My place is small and you shan't like it much, I shouldn't wonder. But you are welcome to stay if you like."

Rhea smiled. "That is not why I've come, Puddleglum."

"Oh? Is it a fire then? Or a flood?"

"No, Puddleglum, but Narnia is in need of your help."

"Then it is worse than even I feared, if Narnia needs the help of a Marsh-wiggle. I can't make any promises of course, but I am at your service, Princess."

"There are two children from that other world sent here by Aslan. The owls are flying them here. They have been sent to search for the lost Prince; they are to travel north, into Ettinsmoor, but they need a guide. I could think of no one else to accompany them, other than you. Please say you'll help them."

"Into Ettinsmoor is it? Awful rocky terrain that is. And cold this time of year. No doubt there will be snow soon, or a great icy wind. We won't get very far I shouldn't wonder, before we freeze. But if the Princess asks it of me, then I shall help them."

"I do ask, Puddleglum. Thank you. It might not be as bad as all that."

"Right you are, Princess. We must put on a brave face for these children then. Try to make the best of the worst situation."

"Tu-whoo, tu-whoo," came the hooting of the owls.

"Ah, they're here then. I should be going. I think you three should be off at once; I will return tomorrow before you leave though. Thank you once more, Puddleglum," Rhea said before going back into the water.

"Tu-whoo, tu-whoo! Wake up, Puddleglum. Wake up. It is on the Lion's business."


Rhea made it back to the castle while it was still dark out, but she didn't sleep long before Penelope came and woke her up in the morning. Judging by the amount of light that was flittering in through the window, Rhea could easily see that she had been granted sleep for as long as Penelope could comfortably allow. Rhea grudgingly rolled out of bed and put on her dressing robe before answering the insistent knocks of her Lady's Maid.

"I'm awake now, Penelope. Are you happy?" Rhea asked as she walked back towards the bed.

"The children are gone," Penelope said hastily.

"What children?" Rhea asked without thinking.

"The other-worlders, Eustace and Jill. They're not in their rooms and they're nowhere to be found in the castle. What do we do?"

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