Chapter 11

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The Naiad Trilogy

Part 3: The Naiad Queen

"Ava, please, you must stop and rest for a bit!" Caspian called over the thundering of hooves.

"Father is dying, Caspian! How can you ask me to stop? I will not! I cannot!" As though understanding what Ava had said, Regina picked up her speed without having to be told.

"Aslan, please, do not let her grow weak. Keep her strong," Caspian prayed before picking up his speed too.

It was a full day's ride from Cair Paravel to Beruna as they followed along the river. When Ava and Caspian had set out it was mid morning; now it was late afternoon. Ava and Caspian had been galloping across the land without pause for hours. When at last they broke free from the forest and came upon clear land, the silhouette of Beruna sat on the horizon; Ava spurred Regina on.

It was dusk when they arrived


"Father!" Ava cried as she rushed into the tiny home. She heard coughing from the bedroom and went back; Caspian followed closely. Dr. Cornelius lay on the bed, a thin cloth covering his body. His skin was pale and stretched over his cheeks, his eyes were cloudy, his coughing weak, and his breathing labored. Tears sprung to Ava's eyes at the very sight of him.

"Father," she choked out as she ran to his bedside and grasped the hand that Chérie was not already holding.

"Ava?" Dr. Cornelius asked weakly.

"Yes, Father, it is I."


"I'm here, Professor," Caspian said laying a hand on his old tutor.

"Oh, Father. What's happened? What has ailed you?"

"Nothing, my child. It is age; age was weakened me. Age gets the best of us all with time," Dr. Cornelius explained before giving into more coughs.

"Here, have some water." Ava handed over a cup and he drank. "How long have you been ill, Father?"

"Not long."

"How long, Chérie?"

"A few weeks," the Dryad answered.

"Weeks! Father, why did you not tell me? We could have sent for you, returned you to the comfort of the castle, supplied you with medicine and healing."

"Ava, my daughter, there is no cure for old age." Dr. Cornelius heaved a great sigh. "The time is near. Caspian, my boy..."

"I'm here, Cornelius," Caspian said, his voice cracking slightly as he leaned forward so that the professor could see him better.

"Be good to over her. Love her, and help her."

"Always," Caspian replied as his eyes came to rest on a tearful Ava. He turned his eyes back to Dr. Cornelius. "Go and rest, my friend. Be free of your pain."

"NO!" Ava exclaimed. "Stop this! You are not dying. I will not let you."


"The river is not far, Chérie. Go to it and gather the Naiads. They have some healing magic. Tell them I have called for them, and send them quickly here."

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