Chapter 24

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The Naiad Trilogy

Part 3: The Naiad Queen

Chapter 24

Penelope opened her eyes much earlier that she usually ever did. She instantly remembered how desperate Rilian had been and the promise she made. She dressed quickly and then quietly and inconspicuously hastened to Rilian's rooms. When she arrived though, she found the door already open and his room empty. Penelope wasted no time in hurrying to the stables, praying that is was not too late. She felt her heart sink and her insides churn; Rilian and his horse, Coalblack, were gone.

Like before, Rilian started his dreams thinking only of Penelope, but then his thoughts were once more consumed with the Green Lady. When he woke his desire to see her was too great and he left for the glade at once. He skipped breakfast and packed only a few small snacks. She was waiting for him by a tree when he arrived. He smiled brightly when he saw her and quickly dismounted. His smile vanished though when he saw the sad look on her face and the moistness of her eyes.

"My Lady?" he asked as he approached.

"I wasn't sure if you would come today," she said. "After yesterday I...I thought you had left me for good."

"My Lady I'm sorry, but how could I leave you?"

"Why did you bring him, Rilian? He could have ruined everything for us. All of our plans could have been spoiled."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know, though, I should have. I was only trying...I thought I would share my great joy with an old friend. I meant no harm by it. It was foolish; I see that now. I consider Drinian to be a friend, and I thought he would understand."

"Well your friend didn't seem to like me very much." She crossed her arms over her chest and gave a slight pout with her red lips.

Rilian chuckled lightly and placed his hands on her arms. "Then he is a fool. What does it matter what he thinks though? I care not. What matters to me is that you feel for me as I feel for you."

"And how do you feel for me, young Prince?"

Rilian paused slightly as he gathered his thoughts. "I love you, my Lady. I know it has only been a week since we met, and yet it feels as though I have known you my whole life. I remember knowing only misery before you came along and brought me happiness. I love you, though I do not know your name. What is it?"

"I like it when you call me your Lady."

"Then that is what I shall always call you, but will you give me your name just so that I may know?"

"My name..." she paused as though reconsidering. In the pause Rilian licked his lips and the Lady offered him her canteen. Rilian accepted the canteen without question and drank; as he did, a strange listlessness came over him and his eyes became unusually glossy.

The Lady smiled triumphantly. "My name, young Prince, is Orlita-Lamia."


A little while later, Orlita-Lamia sat under a tree in the same glade. Narnia's Crown Prince lay beside her sleeping, resting his head in her lap. Orlita was about as pleased as she could be. Her plan was coming together rather nicely now that she didn't have that foolish Mavramorn lurking about to spoil things. The Queen was dead; Orlita had seen to that task herself, taking the form of a serpent and injecting a lethal poison directly into the Queen's blood. No magic would be able to combat that poison. And because of the Queen's death, the King was in no state to rule properly or keep a close watch on his son. It took hardly any effort at all on Orlita's part to gain the Prince's mind.

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