Chapter 12

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The Naiad Trilogy

Part 3: The Naiad Queen

4 Months Later

Ava had to admit it to herself. Her negative feelings about court were a result of the stubborn lords who refused to see reason and name her Queen. Now that she had been their queen for seven years, all that had changed. Court was never a place that was very fun, but on most days the business was light and tempers normal. Usually court consisted of listening to petty complaints from the citizens. "His sheep keep eating my grass." "His pig farm smells." "Their kids play too loudly." Caspian and Ava would do what they could for these people, and the lords would offer what advice they could. Sometimes, once the complainant had left, a few snickers or laughs would ensue.

Today was not like that.

Today they were listening to diplomats from Galma. Over the last few months, relations between Galma and Terebinthia had become tense. Terebinthia had imposed a number of new laws on Galma that Galma did not like, the most notable ones being an increase on various taxes. The disputes between the two countries were causing a rift between them to occur.

"Please, Your Majesties, the threat of war is upon our doorstep. It is not our desire that a war should arise, but we cannot take much more of this. Galma must act and we are in great need of your assistance," the Galmian diplomat pleaded his case before the Narnian court.

"It is not Narnia's place to incite a war on behalf of another country," one Narnian Lord stood up in protest.

"You may be right, but it is Aslan's will that all receive fair treatment. We must protect those who need protection," Lord Trumpkin said, siding with the Galmians.

It went back and forth like that for awhile. Some lords insisted Narnia should stay out of the Galmian's affairs, while some seemed ready to board a ship and fight a war instantly. When the bickering became out of control, Caspian raised his hand and the lords grew silent.

"You are correct, gentlemen," Caspian said. "It is not Narnia's place to start a war on behalf of someone else, but it is ours to provide aid to those who need it. And that is what we will do. Lord Drinian, here," he indicated to the man standing beside him, "has offered to put a party together and return to Galma with our friends. There we will serve as a neutral party and assist in negotiations. It is our hope that an agreement can be reached and a war diverted."

So said Caspian, and so it was. In a little more than a week, Drinian and his party, which included Rhince, left for Galma. No one knew how long the negotiations would take, but they all hoped peace would come quickly.


"We should do something for Helaine and Gael," Ava said one evening after the negotiation party had left. She stood in front of Caspian while he sat; his desk stood between them. Caspian raised his eyes at her in question. "It is the first time Rhince has left them for a substantial amount of time since the Voyage."

Caspian set the paper he'd been reading down on his desk. "And what would you like to do for them?"

Ava bit her lip and sighed. "I don't know. I only know that Gael is really upset about it. I would suggest a nice ride and a picnic lunch, but the snow would make that difficult."

"It would be incredibly cold at least."

"Caspian! I was being serious." Ava walked around the desk.

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