Chapter 17

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The Naiad Trilogy

Part 3: The Naiad Queen

Chapter 17

"I'm pregnant."

Her words rung in his ears, and for a moment Caspian could do nothing. He felt his breath escaping him; his body grew numb. Then all at once his hands slid from her stomach to behind her back pulling her close as his lips crashed into hers. His arms tightened around her waist and he lifted her up and spun her around, crying out his joy.

"Pregnant! Oh! Praise Aslan!" Caspian set Ava back on her feet and kissed her again. As he placed kisses all over her face, Ava joined him in his laughter.

"Oh? So I was correct then?" Rhince suddenly said from the doorway of the study.

Caspian ceased his kissing and turned to look at his friend. "Wait! You knew?"

"I...suspected," Rhince clarified. "Ava's symptoms sounded familiar, but I knew Helaine could identify them better than I could."

"What's going on?" Gael asked as she entered with Drinian.

"I can hardly believe this," Caspian said. "Are you certain of this, Helaine? Are you fully certain?"

"It is hard to be fully certain this early on, but as she progresses the signs will become more evident."

"If I may, Your Majesties," Drinian said. "Perhaps the Naiads can help."

"Drinian! That's brilliant!" Ava exclaimed.

"Would someone please tell me what's going on?" Gael burst out on the verge of tears. "Ava, are you dying?"

It was nearly all Ava could do to keep from laughing. She walked calmly over to Gael and placed her hand on her shoulder. "No, Gael, I'm not dying. I'm pregnant."

"Oh," Gael let out a relieved sigh. "Oh. Don't...don't ever scare me like that again."

"You are right, Gael. I am sorry. I'll try not to let it happen again. Now, we must be off."

"Where are you going, Ava?" Caspian asked.

"To the river. Caspian, I must know and I don't want to wait another moment more."

Ava held her hand out to Caspian and he took it happily. Together, along with the others in the room, they made their way down to the river. Ava took a deep breath before slipping off her shoes and wading into the river where she called for Mira. Ava explained everything and not a minute later Mira was scanning Ava's abdomen. A smile and a nod of confirmation was all Ava need before turning and running back into Caspian's arms.


"All right, Ava, things will have to change drastically from here," Helaine said as they walked back to the castle. "You have always put others before yourself, but that must change. You must put your growing baby first, and to do that you must put yourself first."

"I will try."

"Good. There are other things that must change as well. I will talk to the kitchen staff and we will put you on a new eating regime. Instead of two or three large meals every day you will have five or six small meals. That will keep nutrients flowing to your baby, and it will also help with that burning feel. You will have to help us with the food. Tell us what you have a craving for no matter how odd the craving is, because you will have some odd cravings; you will also need to tell us what you have an aversion to.

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