Chapter 16

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The Naiad Trilogy

Part 3: The Naiad Queen

Chapter 16

Ava woke up, for the second time, to the warm summer sun drifting in through the open windows. She stretched slowly allowing her eyes to adjust to the light and taking a moment to evaluate her stomach. She was still a bit queasy, but it was better than some times. She heard the small, quiet shuffling of movement and knew that Doris and her girls were in the room. Ava sat up slowly and smiled.

"Good morning, Doris."

"It is a beautiful morning, Your Majesty," Doris replied. She walked over to the bed and handed Ava a warm cup of tea. "How are you feeling?" she asked quietly.

"The same," Ava replied before taking a sip of her tea. "But I..."

Ava was cut off by the sound of a familiar trumpet blowing. She quickly handed her cup of tea over and rushed to the open window; she stepped out onto the balcony which overlooked the Eastern Sea and the docks. There she saw the most glorious sight: two ships were docked and both were flying the red flag of Aslan. The Narnians had returned home from war.

"Caspian..." Ava whispered.

"They arrived just a moment ago; I was about to wake you, Your Majesty."

"Have they un-boarded yet?"

"No, Your Majesty."

"Good, then I might still be able to..." Ava halted as her stomach suddenly began doing flips. She took several deep, steadying breaths but they did little to settle her. She felt the warmth from her necklace begin to spread as it glowed. She rushed to the bathroom with Doris following swiftly after her.


Caspian walked down the ramp to applause and cheers that he felt he didn't deserve. He was ever so grateful to be home, but he wished that he had brought more men back with him. He could see all the wives and mothers looking anxiously over his shoulder for their loved ones. He saw their smiles spread across their face as they found what they were looking for, and he saw tears fill their eyes as their search came up empty.

"Drinian!" Rhince exclaimed from Caspian's right. Caspian turned his attention back to what was going on before him. He saw the two friends share a warm greeting, and he couldn't stop his smile from forming.

"Caspian," Drinian clapped him on the shoulder. "Welcome home, my friend."

"It is good to be home," Caspian replied with his own hand to Drinian's shoulder. "And it is good to see you well. Now tell me, why does my wife not greet me? Does she still sleep at this late hour?" Caspian asked with a chuckle, but when he saw the look that crossed Drinian's face, his smile vanished.

"There is something you need to know, my friend."


Caspian raced through the halls. Ava was ill! His wife, his queen... was ill? How could this be? Had she come in contact with the same poison that ailed Drinian? Had that foul witch found her way into Narnia while he was gone? While he had been at war, all Caspian could ever think about at night was Ava and if she was safe. How long would the magic of the Star's gift protect her? Caspian didn't know what he would do without Ava; he could not lose her.

Finally reaching his destination, Caspian threw open the double doors to their bed chambers and rushed inside.

"Where is she?" he demanded.

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