Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

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                                                                                       - Party? -

  Blaine woke up slowly, only to find himself having a massive headache. 'Shit..' He thought to himself as he sat up. When he took in his sight's he realized that he was not in his bedroom. Puck was laying in the bed with Quinn, Finn was beside Rachel on the floor, along with Santana and Brittany, and Blaine was on the couch by himself. 

  After sitting there looking around, he remembered that Finn had called him last night and asked if he would go to Puck's party with him. Of course he said yes. Blaine stood up and stepped over some body's, and wandered to the kitchen. As soon as he stepped half-way through the kitchen, Kurt turned and smiled at Blaine. "Hey there." Kurt said quietly. 

 "Uh, hi." Blaine sat down in a chair, then turned to look at Kurt, who was standing perfectly still, still smiling. "How are you not having a hangover?" Blaine asked, rubbing his temples. 

  Kurt took notice to Blaine's action, causing him to get Blaine a glass of water, and handing it to him. "Well, you see, there is this thing called not drinking." Kurt said, taking a seat beside the other boy, and chuckling. Blaine nodded and gulped down the rest of the water. 

  "Say-" Blaine started. "What's your name?"

  "Kurt, Kurt Hummel, and yourself?"

  "Blaine Anderson." He smiled at Kurt, causing him to smile back. 


  Finn was having Blaine over and they were sitting on the couch, watching a football game. Kurt walked through the door with a bag in his hand. "Finn, I'm h-" Kurt looked up and seen Blaine. "Oh, hi Blaine."

  "Hi, Kurt." Blaine said smiling. 

  Finn looked at Kurt, then he looked at Blaine. He did this until Kurt walked away, into his room. "You two know each other?" Finn finally asked when Kurt was fully in his room, and the door was shut. 

  "Yeah, we met at the the party this morning. He gave me a glass of water, for my hangover." Blaine shrugged, causing Finn to nod. 

  Finn was biting his lip as he shifted in his seat. "Blaine?"

  Blaine turned his head to look at Finn. "Yeah?"

  "You and him will get along well. I just know it." 

  With that, Finn stood up from the couch leaving Blaine sitting there, one hundred percent confused. 

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