Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

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                                                                           - Failed Feelings - 

  Lance and Kurt were laying on Kurt's bed, watching Friday The 13th. It was about 2 in the morning and everyone was asleep. As far as both boys knew. Blaine was laying in the guest bedroom, which was his room now. He didn't know Lance was there, he was trying to work out a speech that he could say to Kurt. Finn was in his room playing Black Opps, not knowing Lance was there. No one knew he was there, no one has met Lance. He snuck in Kurt's room, through the window, he didn't want to risk getting caught. 

  "Kurt, this movie is so fake! Why would.. never mind I can't even." Lance stated as he layed his head down on Kurt's chest. Kurt laughed and nodded.

  "I know, who wears those kinds of clothes?" 

  "What?" Lance said as he sat up. Kurt instantly caught what he said. 

  "Uh, I meant like.. who would wear that when a killer was in the house?" 

  "Oh.. well she didn't know." 

  "That's true. Oh well." Kurt shrugged, wrapping his arms around Lance. Kurt heard footsteps, and then a sudden knock. "Shit.. uh.. uh..." Kurt looked around and jumped up. "Hide in the closet." Lance got up and ran to the closet, shutting the door. Before Kurt could act normal, Blaine walked in the room. 

  "Kurt, who were you talking to?" Blaine asked, walking further in. The look on Kurt's face showed that he didn't want  Blaine in there.

  "The T.V." Kurt shrugged and sat down on his bed. Honestly, he wanted Blaine in there, but not while Lance was in the closet. 

  "Oh.. well. Kurt I need to talk to you." Blaine said as he set his iPod in Kurt's music player. Lance heard Blaine, he squinted his eyes so he could see through a bit of the closet. 

  "That's that kid..." Lance thought. Blaine walked back over towards Kurt, standing in front of him. Kurt bit his lip, becoming nervous. 

  "Yeah..?" He said, his voice cracking. He pulled his lip ring in between his teeth. The song Cannonball, cover by Little Mix started playing. Blaine sighed and looked into Kurt's eyes.

  "Kurt, this is killing me. I really can't stand this anymore, us not talking.. not seeing each other. Everything. No matter what I do, it reminds me of you. And it's hurting me more then you know." Lance coughed in the closet, causing Kurt's eyes to grow wide. Blaine turned around, looking at the closet. "Kurt? Is someone in there?"

  "Uh..." Kurt watched Blaine walk over to the closet, the door slowly being pulled open. The song What Goes around Comes Around by Justin Timberlake started playing.

  "Great timing.." Kurt thought as Blaine stepped back, and Lance stepped out. 

  "Who's this?" Blaine asked, turning to look at Kurt. Before Kurt could say anything, Lance cleared his throat.

  "I'm his boyfriend. Lance. Julian Lance. But call me Lance." Blaine turned ghost white, looking like he was about to pass out.

  "I can explain." Kurt said, his voice cracking once more. Blaine swallowed the bile that was built up in his throat.

  "Kurt, I heard what he was saying to you. Don't explain anything. You love me, kick him out of your room." Lance scoffed. Blaine lifted his fist, but Kurt ran behind him and pulled him back.

  "STOP!" He yelled. "Please! Just.. don't do it Blaine." Blaine snapped his head back, as Finn ran into the room. Great..

  "What's going on?" Finn asked. When I Grow Up by the Pussycat Dolls came on. Why are all these songs fitting this moment?! "Is that your boyfriend, Kurt?" Kurt gulped and nodded.

  "You knew about this, Finn?!" Blaine yelled, still being held by Kurt. Finn turned pink.

  "Yeah... but.. uh..."

  "Spill." Blaine, Kurt, and Lance said in unison. A song that Blaine and covered came on. If was one that Blaine recorded. Candles. Kurt was about to cry, just hearing the song. And the way their voice's mended together.

  "Quin drug me into the choir room and then she gave me a picture of some guy jacking off with my face on it. She said that if I told Blaine about Lance and Kurt being together then that picture would go around. And people would think it was me, which it wasn't if I didn't say that already. I couldn't risk Rachel seeing it, because she would break up with me. I'm so sorry Blaine. Please forgive me." Finn said turning his head to look at Blaine. Lance started walking over to Kurt, but then he stopped once he seen that Kurt was still holding Blaine. 

  "I do, thank you. I'm just kind of glad that you didn't tell me.. Because I would have went ape shit." Blaine smiled, as a tear fell down his face. Kurt was crying, but he wasn't making any noises. 

  "Finn... please leave." Kurt finally said. Finn nodded and walked out of the room. Kurt let go of Blaine and turned him around. Blaine bit his lip, looking into Kurt's eyes once again. Lance cracked his fingers on the other side of the room. 

  "Come on tell grease head to leave." Lance said, scoffing. 

  "Leave..." Kurt said still looking at Blaine. Blaine's heart dropped. 

  "Thank y-" Kurt turned and cut Lance off. 

  "No, not Blaine. You. I want you to leave."

  "What? No, Kurt y-"

  "Leave." Kurt turned back to look at Blaine, grabbing his hand. Lance shook his head and walked closer to the door. 

  "Don't come running back to me, okay?" 

  "Wasn't planning on it." Kurt said, gazing into Blaine's beautiful eyes. Lance laughed a fake laugh and walked out, leaving Blaine and Kurt standing there. As soon as Kurt heard Lance's car drive off he grabbed Blaine's neck, pulling him closer, and kissing him passionately. 

  "So does this mean we're back together?" Blaine said as he pulled back. Kurt nodded and smiled.

  "Yeah, oh god. Finally these can come out." Kurt said as he turned, walking over to his mirror. 

  "What?" Blaine asked walking closer to Kurt. "They're fake?"

  "All but the lip ring. And the tongue ring. The rest are magnetic." Kurt started taking them all out. "I'm keeping the real ones in, okay?"

  "Yeah, that's fine. I think you look hot with the lip ring." Blaine kissed Kurt's neck, biting it for a second. Kurt bit his lip and laughed. 

  "Not right now. Do you know what time it is?" Kurt said turning around, looking at Blaine. "It's 3:09." Blaine sighed and nodded. "I need sleep." 

  "Okay, but one more question." Blaine said as him and Kurt walked over the the bed. Blaine crawled onto the bed. "Are you joining glee club again?"

  "I don't know... You will find out." Kurt said going after him. 

  Both boys layed there watching reruns of Americas Next Top Model. They were snuggled up and holding hands. Kurt was getting tired so he sat up for a second. 

  "I love you." 

  "I love you, too." Blaine said smiling, sitting up to give Kurt a kiss. Kurt kissed Blaine back, laying down. 

  "I will always love you." Kurt said, falling asleep. "Forever..." 

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