Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

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                                                                             - Fuck You Better -

     Blaine woke up, looking up seeing a sleeping Kurt. He smiled and sat up, staring at him for a few seconds before kissing Kurt all over his face, to wake him up. Kiss on the cheek, kiss on the other cheek, kiss on the temple, kiss on the other temple, kiss on the forehead, kiss on the nose, and kiss on the lips. Blaine could feel Kurt smile, against his lips. When he pulled away, kurt's eyes opened. "Morning beautiful." He said in a groggy voice. 

 "Good morning." Blaine said back, smiling. Kurt looked at his phone and seen it was 11 o'clock. He automatically jumped up, causing Blain's eyes to widen. 


 "I told my dad that i'd be home last night!" Kurt freaked out. Blaine stood up and put his hand's on Kurt's shoulders. 

 "Kurt, calm down. I talked to your dad last ni-" 

 "What? How? I thought you were asleep?" Kurt asked in astonishment.

  "I was until your damn phone went off in my ear. I dug it out of your pocket and answered it. Also, I told him you were going to a party with me. And your dad think's it's a good idea, so you can get out of the house. But he said if you are not okay when you come home, he was going to have my ass." Blaine shrugged as Kurt threw his arms around him, squeezing him kind of hard. 

 "Thank you, really. I'll have to thank him too, and then tell him we date.. so he does not murder you." Blaine grinned, grabbing Kurt's hand.

 "You're welcome, and that'd be nice." 

 "I need clothes." Kurt said as he pulled his hand away, eyes widening. He turned and spotted stairs, so he figured Blaine's room was up there. Blaine caught on to what Kurt was thinking, so he put his arms around his waist. 

 "Kurt, calm down. You can wear some of my clothes." 

 Kurt let out a deep breath that he had no idea he was holding. Blaine grabbed his hand and they walked upstairs to his room. When they got in there, Kurt sat down on the bed, and looked around. He noticed some Katy Perry and P!nk posters. "Blaine, I didn't know you liked P!nk or Katy." Kurt turned to look at Blaine, who was looking in the closet for clothes, for the both of them. 

 "Yeah, I love them." He pulled out a red shirt and black skinny jeans, throwing them at Kurt. Then pulling out a white shirt, with black skinny jeans. 

 "What's up with all the black skinny jeans?"

 "I don't know, I have different colors." Blaine shrugged, and pulled off his shirt. 

 Kurt tried not to look, but his eyes stayed glued to Blaine's body. It was like pure gold. Blaine took notice in Kurt's action. 

 "Like what you see?" He asked with a smirk. 

 "Oh shut up." Kurt said glaring at Blaine. 


   Sam opened the door seeing Kurt and Blaine arguing about their hair. "Guy's, your hair looks fine. Now come in." Blaine and Kurt snapped their heads towards Sam and he busted out in laughter. Kurt pushed through Sam and walked into the room, seeing lot's of people that he didn't even know. Blaine followed Sam to this little tiki bar on the side or the room, and got a can of beer. 

 "Sam, this is an awesome party by the look's of it." Blaine said opining the can of beer, and taking a sip. 

 "I know, did you know Puck came back JUST to help with the party?" Both the boy's laughed. "Where's Kurt?" Sam asked as he looked around at the open space's that weren't covered with dancing boys. Blaine turned to look but didn't see Kurt.

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