Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

978 49 12

                                                                             - Fall For You -

  Today was Kurt's full day back at school and glee club. He didn't tell Blaine that he was coming back to glee club, so this was going to be a surprise. This morning, Blaine was telling Kurt about how when he left, that everyone picked on them more. Apparently David Karofsky moved, so no need to worry about him. Kurt didn't know if he should be happy about that or sad, so he just went with happy. 

  Rachel was taking Kurt to school, because Finn was taking Blaine to school. The song Counting Stars was on the radio, Rachel was biting her lip and Kurt was swaying to the music. The car ride was silent for a few minutes. It was nice silence with just music, so Kurt sighed and looked over at Rachel. He knew she had to say something.

  "Rachel, I know you need to say something, You're never silent." Kurt looked back outside, it was a rainy day. Kurt's favorite. Rachel smiled and started talking. 

  "Okay, this is going to be great! It's all going to be the same again." 

  "If you don't recall, Quinn is still gone."

  "Oh.. yeah. I'm gonna talk to her. But it's nice that you want to surprise Blaine." She said. Kurt nodded and squinted his eyes. "Are you okay?" 

  "Yeah, headache." Kurt shrugged, seeing the school up ahead.

  "You know Blaine really loves you right?" Kurt looked over at her and raised his eyebrow.

  "Yeah?" He drug out the ah part, wondering were Rachel was going with this. 

  "Then you should take him somewhere. Prove you love him just as much as he loves you. He never sang when-"

  "Rachel.." She kept talking.

  "I'm serious Kurt, he really loves you. He cried. He missed you so-"

  "Rachel..." Kurt tried again.

  "Just take him somewhere. Do something for him. I mean maybe-"

 "RACHEL!" Kurt yelled. She jumped and stopped talking. 

  "Sorry. But.. just show him how much you love him.." Kurt sighed and waited until Rachel to pull into a parking space to get out. She didn't even turn off the engine, he just got out and walked through the rain, into the school.


  Blaine walked into the auditorium, having not seen Kurt all day. He felt down, and since it was a rainy day, it made him feel worse. The lights were off, except a little dim light above the piano. Walking up the steps, Blaine sighed thinking og Kurt. Why isn't he here? Blaine sat down on the seat in front of the piano. Off goes his hands, skimming over the keys, his eyes closing. 

 The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting,

Could it be that we have been this way before?

I know you don't think that I am trying

I know you're wearing thin down to the core

 But hold your breath

Because tonight will be the night

That I will fall for you over again

Don't make me change my mind

  Or I won't live to see another day

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