Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

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                                                                  - Scandals - 

   Kurt layed down on Chandler's bed, staring at the ceiling. It has been six day's since the break up, and all Kurt has done was cry. Today was the first day out of the house, and it pained him to be out. He never went to school, that whole time. Blaine still hasn't come and got his clothes from Kurt's, so that hurt way worse. Day one was spent by Kurt laying in his bed all day, curled up in a tiny ball, staring at the wall. Burt came in every hour or so and would ask Kurt if he would like to go shopping. "Blaine used to take me shopping." Was all the boy could say, and then he would burst into tears. 

  Day two was spent with Kurt laying in his bed, not eating anything, not speaking, just laying there, thinking of the one and only, Blaine Devon Anderson. Kurt thought that he was supposed to be dead, so he was giving thought into it, but could not seem to lift himself up and try. His eyes stung, but his tears kept on coming. His phone rung, and rung, but he never answered it. If only Blaine knew how much Kurt missed him. If only he knew what Kurt would do to himself if he had the energy.

   Day three, Kurt had actually got up, but that was only to go to the bathroom, and to get one of Blaine's shirts. When he layed back down, he pulled the shirt close to his chest, sobbing into it. "Blaine.... please forgive me...." Kurt would whisper into the shirt, praying Blaine would burst through the door, forgiving him, and loving him once more. For Blaine to just kiss him, to hold him, to whisper sentimental thing's into Kurt's ear. But no, that never happened.

   Day four, was the day that started to die down, until Kurt started going through his pictures of himself and Blaine. The first picture was of Blaine sitting on a rocking horse, smiling like a toddler. Another one was when him and Blaine were at the park, sitting under their favorite Oak tree. At the sight of this picture, Kurt balled his eyes out. He missed Blaine so much, he felt like he needed to call him. But he just couldn't do it. 'Don't call or text me.' The words rung in Kurt's head. 

   Day five was the day Kurt threw up, and stayed by the toilet. He hasn't eaten, or drunkin anything at all this week. He hasn't opened his mouth after day one, to speak. His phone sat on beside him, on the floor, and it was vibrating. Kurt wiped his mouth with a piece of toilet paper and picked it up. 

   From Chandler: Hey hey Kurtie. 

   From Kurt: Hi....

   From Chandler: What's wrong? ):

   From Kurt: Me and Blaine broke up... I just... I miss him so much, I love him so much.

   From Chandler: Awe... ): That's asham, you're a keeper.

   From Kurt: Thank's....

   From Chandler: Come over tomorrow. I will not take no for an answer. Thank you!

   From Kurt: Fine..

   From Chandler: Okay, well I am leaving to go to the sheet store. Bye, love.

     Kurt never replied, instead he kept on throwing up, over and over. 

    And then there was today, the day Kurt decided to get up, put on a little concealer and go to Chandler's. 


   Chandler sat down beside Kurt and sighed, looking over at the pained boy. "Kurt, are you okay?" Kurt's head snapped towards Chandler, as he sat up, glaring. 

  "Am I okay? Really? Wouldn't you be upset if your boyfriend broke up with you for no good reason?!" Kurt yelled, tears about to come down his face. But the stinging vibe that sent a shiver down his spine, stopped him. Chandler sighed and bit his lip. 

   "Tell me what happened." 

   "Well, all I did was tell him I had to tell him something. He asked what, and then I told him about David kissing me, the things I told you about him. And bam, he yelled to me that we were through." It was silent for a few moments. 

  "Kurt?" Chandlers voice cooed around the room. 


  "Why did you tell me?... and not him?" A look of pain shot through Kurt, as he shook his head, standing up. Something he always did when he was about to get upset. Chandler pulled him down, and back onto the bed. 

  "I... I d- don't know.." 

  "Hey, it's okay. Look.. let me tell you something. Yeah?" Chandler seen Kurt nod so he put his hand on Kurt's shoulder, causing the boy to look over at him. "The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just have to figure out who is worth the pain." 

  "To be honest, I think Blaine is worth the pain. I think I hurt him more then I can see it. I think that I was just to conceded to realize that." 

  "Then fight for him, don't stop until you get him back. No matter how hard you have to fight. If you really believe that, then do it! Make it real, instead of a thought." Kurt smiled a little bit and nodded. He was amazed by the boy's choice of words. "Great, glad you understand. Now... let's go to scandals, yeah?" Chandler raised his eyebrow. 

  "But, I don't look that g-"

  "You look fine, now. Let's go." 

  Both boys ran downstairs and got into Chandler's car, heading off to Scandals. 

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