Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

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                                                                  - Drop It Like It's A Masta Bass -

  Blaine got in Sebastian's car, and looked straight ahead. It had been six day's since Blaine left Kurt, and if he had to be honest, it hurt him. He missed Kurt, and he hasn't eaten anything since, not even a little nibble of a cookie that Sebastian's parents offered him. The whole time Blaine was with Sebastian, he had to keep reminding him that this was just as friend's, nothing more, because he still loved Kurt. Though Kurt had hurt him, he soon came into realization, that it wasn't Kurt's fault, it was David's. Thinking of David brought anger to Blaine, so he would just clench his jaw, and curse under his breath. 

  Day one was spent with Blaine sitting in a little hotel room, that didn't cost him much, because the women who worked there liked him, and thought he was 'A sexy little boy.' He layed down on the nasty bed, and thought, 'Kurt would so hate it here... Kurt!' Then he would burst into tears, clenching the also nasty pillow, to his chest. At first it didn't hurt Blaine that he left Kurt, because of what he did, but then once he texted Kurt, saying he wouldn't get his stuff, and he never replied, or even read it, it hurt. Bad. 

  Day two, Blaine told Sebastian that he needed a place to stay for a while, so he stayed with him. He would always try to get inside Blaine's pants, and that pushed Blaine over the edge. "STOP!" Was all he would yell. If anyone was allowed to get in his pant's, it would be Kurt. Sebastian never seemed to comprehend that, so it pissed Blaine off. 

  Day three, Blaine tried calling Kurt. But all he got was his voice mail. 

 "Hey, this is Kurt Hummel, and l- oh hey baby. What? A SALE? WHERE?!" Kurt yelled through the voice mail, which brought tears to his eyes. He heard his faint voice in the back round. "Show me the paper, Blaine!.... Thank you...." There was silence. "BLAINE DEVON ANDERSON, TAKE ME NOW! No I don't. Yes I will. Okay, that works. Oh, really? Then they can hear our love. Come here baby. Kiss me." Blaine smiled, because that was when he walked over to Kurt, kissing him. "I love you." And then the voice mail went off. Blaine sighed and threw his phone at Sebastian's wall. 

  Day four, Blaine was crying because of something's Sebastian had said. "Bastian?" Blaine said as he rolled over, to look at him. 


 "What do you think Kurt has done to himself after I left him?" Sebastian smirked and shrugged. 

 "Who knows, maybe he's dead. Hopefully, so I can have you all to myself."  Blaine's eyes popped out of his head, pained at what Sebastian had said. 

 "What?! Why would you say something like that? You know I still love him and care for him! I tell you every single day that, and what do you do?! Still try to get with me!" Blaine sighed, and shook his head. Sebastian smirked and opened his mouth.

 "You don't get to break someone's heart and say you still care about them." Sebastian stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Blaine laying on the bed, confused, but also thinking about what the other boy had just said. '

  Day five Blaine slept, until Sebastian jumped on him, waking him up. He told Blaine that he was going to work, Blaine nodded and got up, walking over to the bathroom to shower. He hasn't showered in the last few days, that he's been at Sebastian's. Yes he left his clothes at Kurt's, but that didn't stop him from stealing Seabstian's clothes. Once he was out of the Shower, he went through his messages and decided to try texting Kurt again. 

  From Blaine<3: Hey.. please talk to me.. you are worrying me. Kurt, we really need to talk.

  When Sebastian got home, Blaine looked at his phone and it said the message was delivered but not read, he sighed. 

  Then there was today, the day Blaine was gelling his hair back, hanging out with Sebastian, and getting ready to go to Scandals. Both boys were happy and giddy, not even remembering anything about the break up. "STOP!" Blaine yelled as Sebastian tickled him. But the boy did not listen, causing Blaine to turn fully around and push Sebastian. "Sorry." He said as he turned back to the mirror. 


Sebastian and Blaine arrived at Scandals, walking up to the bar to get some drinks. They both got a Sex On The Beach, taking a few sips at a time. The club was packed, and loud. Sebastian cleared his throat, about to say something. Blaine looked over at him, and raised his eyebrows. "So." Sebastian started. "Wanna go dance?" Blaine smiled and nodded, standing up. 

 "Sure." Sebastian got up and followed Blaine to the dance floor, when Push It came on. Sebastian felt like he should take advantage of Blaine, since he was kind of down, about Kurt. When he started pushing his ass against Blaine, he smirked. Blaine looked down, and grabbed Sebastian's waist, feeling his jeans getting tighter, and tighter. The other boy turned, and wrapped his arm's around Blaine's neck, getting closer and closer to him. 

 "Push it." He whispered, biting his lip.

 Little did they know, Kurt was watching them the whole time. his anger rising.

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