Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

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                                                                          - Best Friend - 

 After ordering their coffee, Blaine and Kurt sat down at Blaine's usual table. He used to go to Lima Bean when he needed to think. Kurt only came to Lima Bean when he was really tired and needed to fully wake up. "Thank you for paying, Blaine. But you really didn't have to." Kurt said taking a sip of his coffee. It was kind of weird getting coffee at seven o'clock, but they didn't mind. 

  "You're welcome, and I wanted to. I was the one that invited you." They both chuckled. 

  Blaine and Kurt sat in silence for about thirty seconds, until Kurt spoke up. "So, what do you want to know about me? I'm not an open book so i'm not just gonna start talking." 

  "Why did you go to New York?" Blaine had to ask that, because he was sure that if Kurt was there on Monday, then he could of heard his singing voice. 

  "Well, I just needed a vacation because of some problems. How come i've never seen you around school when I was at school?" Blaine furrowed his eyebrows. What kind of problems?

  "Because I used to go to Dalton, until my parents moved down here. They thought it would be better. What kind of problems?" 

  "Bullying.. Do you like it down here?" Blaine almost spit out his coffee, so Kurt moved over a bit just in case. His eye's were wide. Who would bully Kurt? He has an amazing smile, he's handsome, his lips are pink, oh they look so kissable... Wait. What the fuck? 

  "Bullying?! From who? Did you tell anyone?" 

  Kurt furrowed his eyebrows, he didn't want to tell Blaine. But he felt like he had to, he felt like he could trust him. Okay Kurt, tell him.

  Kurt took a deep breath. "David Karofsky, on the football team. And no, I did not. Because no one gives a shit about a stupid little gay kid like me." When Blaine heard that he sighed and looked at Kurt, straight in the eyes. Oh those eyes.. they are so beautiful. Just like Kurt. Wait! STOP IT BLAINE DEVON ANDERSON!!

  "Kurt, I care about you. I know we just met but I feel like I already know you. And I am sure if you tell at least some one then they will do something about it. Tell Mr.Schuester, or Mrs.Pillsbury. When did it start happening? Do have any idea why?" Kurt blushed when Blaine said that he cared about him, and how he feels like he already knows Kurt. Kurt felt the same way, like he already knew Blaine in a way. 

  "It all started my sophomore year, when I came out of the closet. Karofsky would always push me into lockers, call me names, and he has beat my up about three times." 

                                                                             *Flash Back*

 Kurt walked into the boys bathroom, it was after he had come out and when he walked into the bathroom, David Karofsky cracked his knuckles. "Look who we have here. The stupid little faggot who need's to die right now. Well, maybe I can arrange that." Karofsky started coming closer to Kurt. 

 "Look, I don't want any trouble. I am sorry if I said anything to offend you. But I really don't need any trouble." Kurt walked passed David and started fixing his hair. 

 "Save it. You already said to much, to offend me." 

 "What did I say? That i'm gay? Cause I am, and I don't give a fuck what you think about it." That's when Kurt got pushed against the wall. But he didn't stop talking. 

 "Just because you don't like me being gay, doesn't mean I am going to turn straight for you. Or anybody for this case." David's fist connected to Kurt's jaw.

 "You just don't like the fact that I can walk around here proud and happy." David's fist went into Kurt's stomach. And the punches never stopped after that, until Puck walked into the bathroom. Karofsky jumped to his feet and ran out, passed Puck. He walked over to Kurt and called his name repeatedly, but no answer. Kurt was unconscious, Puck ran out and got some teachers and they took him to the hospital. 

                                                                      *Back to reality*

 Blaine was in tears, along with Kurt. "I'm so sorry Kurt." Blaine explained getting to his feet. Kurt sniffled and raised his eyebrow. 

 "Are you leaving?" Kurt managed to say. Blaine shook his head and pulled Kurt up, by his hands. He threw his arms around Kurt's waist and held him tight. Kurt cried into Blaine's shoulder for a while, when he calmed down. "Thank you.." Kurt said as they both sat down. 

 "You're welcome, Kurt.. I want you to know something." Blaine nervously said. 

  "And what is that?" 

  "I'm always going to be here for you okay?" Kurt smiled at Blaine and grabbed a napkin.

  "Same for you Blaine. Now, do you have a pen?" Blaine nodded and pulled a pen out of his coat pocket, handing it to Kurt. 

  Kurt wrote down his number and gave it to Blaine, causing him to grin. When Blaine put the number in his phone, he crumpled up the napkin and put it in his pocket, along with his phone. When Kurt and Blaine started talking about glee club, these two guys walked by the table wearing matching outfits. One guy had his arm tightly wrapped around the other one. Blaine watched as they sat down, and turned his attention fully on Kurt. 



 "I smell cookies!" Blaine put a high pitched voice on the word cookies, and waved his hands in the air. Kurt propped his eyebrow up.

 "Huh?" Blaine got close to Kurt's ear and whispered.

 "I smell gay people." Kurt burst out into laughter and then contained himself. It sent shivers down Kurt's spine when Blaine whispered in his ear. 

 "Blaine, that's an insult to cookies." Blaine grinned at Kurt's joke. Yes he was gay, and yes Kurt was gay, but it was nice to joke like that in such a serious time. 


 "Thank's for coming Kurt." Blaine said as he walked Kurt to his Navigator. "I had a great time." 

 "Me too, Blaine. Text me though." 

 "I will."

 "You better." Blaine and Kurt laughed as they got to Kurt's car. 

 "I'm gonna hug you now." Blaine said inching closer to Kurt.

 "You don't need permission you know. I like your hugs." Kurt threw his arms around Blaine, and they hugged for at least three minutes. Blaine pulled away and nodded, smiling. 

 "Nice to know, well I need to get home. Talk to you later." 

 "Talk to you later, Blaine." 

 Blaine smiled and walked away, leaving Kurt to practically party to himself. Once he was done, he got in his Navigator and drove home, listing to Muse. 

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