Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

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                                                                       - Guess Who's Back! - 

  Blaine woke up to the sound of Kurt throwing stuff around, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. Kurt couldn't find anything to wear because his whole closet was filled with black ugly clothes. How could he have wore those kind of clothes for an int-ire month or so? 

  "Babe, keep it down." Blaine sighed and dropped himself on the pillow. Kurt scoffed and walked over to the bed, sitting down. 

  "Sorry." Kurt said silently. Blaine sat back up and stretched his arms our, pulling Kurt back towards his body. Kurt scooted back, helping Blaine a bit. He layed his head back on Blaine's chest. God how he missed this feeling. "I'm just to stressed and I need clothes for school." Kurt's eyes closed.

  "Kurt, how bout this. We go shopping later and get you some clothes alright? What did you do with them anyways?"

  "Well, I gave them to Quin and she burned them." Kurt opened his eyes and looked up at Blaine who was smiling. "What?"

  "Nothing, just thinking." Blaine shrugged and kissed Kurt's temple.



  "What about us?" Kurt asked, smiling.

  "About how we got together again. To be honest I didn't think we would get back together. But I am really glad we did." Blaine looked directly into Kurt's eyes. Those mesmerizing blue, crystal eyes. Kurt nodded and then looked down. 

  "Blaine, when I was dating Lance, I thought of you all the time. But I got over it, kind of. But the good thing about that, is that I chose you over Lance." 

  "True. No, turn around and look at me." Blaine said as Kurt sat up, turning around slowly. Once he was facing Blaine. "Come closer." Blaine insisted. Kurt came closer, causing Blaine to pull Kurt forward so they were chest to chest. 

  "Blaine what are you d-" Kurt was cut off by Blaine's lips being pressed against Kurt's sweet ones. 

  "I love you." Blaine said against Kurt's lips.

  "I love you too." Kurt said silently. Blaine started humming something, causing Kurt to catch the tune. Kurt stood up, followed by Blaine. They started jumping around the room. Singing and dancing. 

  When I'm with you baby,

  I go out of my head,

  I just can't get enough

  I just can't get enough

  Blaine sung doing the shimmy towards Kurt. 

  All the things you do to me, 

  And everything you said,

  I just can't get enough,

  I just can't get enough, 

  Kurt sung, grabbing Blaine's hands.

  We slip and slide as we fall in love,

  And I just can't seem to get enough of,

  They both sung, smiling like idiots.

  (Blaine): We walk together,

  We're walking down the street,

  (Blaine and Kurt): I just can't get enough,

  I just can't enough, 

  (Kurt): Every time I think of you, 

  I know we have to meet,

  (Blaine and Kurt): I just can't get enough, 

  I just can't get enough,

  I just can't get enough,

  I just can't get enough. 

  I just can't get enough.

  I just can't get enough, 

  I just can't get enough,

  I just can't get enough,

  I just can't get enough, 

 I just can't get enough,

  (Blaine): And when it rains,

  You're shining down on me,

  (Blaine and Kurt): I just can't get enough, 

  I just can't get enough, 

  Just like a rainbow, 

  You know you set me free,

  I just can't get enough, 

  I just can't get enough,

  You're like an angle and you give me your love,

  And I just can't seem to get enough of, 

  I just can't get enough,

  I just can't get enough,

  I just can't get enough,

  I just can't get enough,

  I just can't get enough, 

  I just can't get enough,

  I just can't get enough,

 I just can't get enough,

  I just can't get enough, 

  I just can't get enough, 

  It's getting hotter, it's a burning a love,

  And I just can't get enough of. 

  Blaine and Kurt ended the song with a passionate kiss. Burt opened the door, his mouth dropping. Both boys broke apart. 

  "Hey dad,," Kurt said, still holding Blaine's arms. 

  "Son.. Where are all of your things...?" 

  "Burt, they were fake, the only ones that were real were the lip and tongue. Me and Kurt are back together. If you are wondering." Blaine spoke up. Burt turned his head and nodded.  

 "Thank you, son. Now this family is just right again. Now, what did I come in here for..? Oh yeah. Were going out to eat for break fest. So get dressed and come on." With that, Burt walked out. Not giving time for Kurt to protest. 

  "Blainers, I have no clothes." Kurt said, looking at Blaine. 

  "Borrow some of mine. They'll look great with an ass like that." Blaine smirked and walked away, leaving Kurt standing there, blushing beat red. 


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