Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

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                                                                           - Nobody's Perfect -

   Blaine woke up and grabbed his phone, opening it to text Kurt. This was the only day that he was happy about waking up to go to school, just to see Kurt. 

   From Blaine<3: Good morning, Kurtsie!

  What kind of nickname is that? Blaine stood up and walked over to his closet, pulling out a pair of red chinos and a striped shirt. He pulled them on, gelled his hair, brushed his teeth, and put on a pair of white toms. When he checked his phone, he had a message from Kurt. 

  From Kurt: Good morning, Blainers.

  How did Kurt know Blaine's nickname? Who cares. 

  From Blaine<3: I am on the way to school, are you already there?

 Blaine was late today because his stupid alarm clock didn't go off until 7:40. He always had to be up at 5:30 and he had to be at school at 7. He grabbed his bag and headed out the door. He stopped in his tracks when his truck was gone. That's when Kurt texted back.

 From Kurt: No, woke up late.

 From Blaine<3: Oh, uh.. change in plans. I have no truck, I get to stay home! Yay!

 From Kurt: Give me the address. I will come get you. 

 Blaine sent Kurt the address and sat on his front step waiting for Kurt, and playing games. 


 Kurt pulled up to Blaine's house and honked the horn, starling Blaine who was playing Angry Birds. Blaine got in the car and Kurt pulled out of the drive way. "So tell me, where do you think your truck went?" 

 "I don't even know, and I don't care. As long as...-" Blaine stopped talking. "Never mind." Kurt furrowed his eyebrows. 

 "No, tell me." 

 "Uh.. well.. um.." Blaine bit his lip and shifted in his seat, some problem caught on from watching Finn do it all the time. "I was going to say.. as long as I was with you.." Blaine chewed on his lip and caught Kurt blushing and smiling out of the corner of his eye.

 "Awe, aren't you sweet?" Kurt poked Blaine's thigh, which cause Blaine shiver in a good way. 

 "I guess so." 

 "You guess so? You are so!" Kurt grinned and Blaine blushed. 


 Kurt and Blaine walked into the school, laughing about something Kurt had said about Finn. They had already missed 1st period by stopping at Lima Bean and getting coffee. It was about to be the beginning of 2nd period. 

 "I'll see you in glee club." Kurt said as Blaine walked the other way. Karofsky walked around the corner and smirked at Kurt, causing him to bring in a big breath. There were lockers by Kurt's side, just his luck. Karofsky pushed Kurt into them, causing the sound of a loud thud. Blaine wasn't that far away so he heard it, causing him to turn around. Once he seen Kurt slide down the locker, he snapped. He started walking towards him and Karofsky, mad as ever. 

 "Hey, ass hole. What the fuck?!" Blaine yelled getting close to Karofsky. He turned and looked down seeing Blaine.

 "What the hell do you want, faggot?"

 "Why the fuck did you just push Kurt into the locker?!" Kurt sat there in terror. 

 "What? Are you his boyfriend or some shit?" 

 "ANSWER ME DAMN IT!?" Blaine yelled to the top of his lungs.

 "Because he's gay and he's a fagot. Just like you!" Blaine got in Karofsky's face.

 "You can call me what you want, do what you want to me, but to Kurt? Hell no!" Blaine swung and hit Karofsky in the jaw, causing him to stumble back. Kurt let out a tiny sob, he was scared for Blaine and scared because he's never seen Blaine like this. He didn't think Blaine could get like this. Karofsky swung, but Blaine ducked and hit Karofsky again. 

 "Sometimes you just don't know when to shut the hell up!" Blaine hit him in the nose. Why was Blaine being so protective? 

 "Fuck, faggot. Stop!" Karofsky grabeed his nose and used his other hand to swing at Blaine. He got Blaine in the cheek bone. Kurt's eyes widened as he sobbed loudly. "Tell your boyfriend to shut the hell up!" Karofsky yelled. Blaine regained his balance as he swung at Karofsky, getting him in the eye. 

 "You shut the fuck up!" Blaine yelled as Karofsky fell backwards. "Kurt, be quiet okay? It will all be over in a minute." Blaine said in a much calmer voice. Almost all of the football team was watching this, not even defending Karofsky. Blaine kicked Karofsky in the rib. 

 "No one is perfect! Who cares if Kurt or I are gay! We are normal people too!" One last punch and Karofsky was knocked out. Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand, pulling him to his feet. People were cheering for Blaine, but he could care less. He had to get himself and Kurt out of there. Kurt was trying to keep up with Blaine, they ran to to auditorium. When they sat down, Blaine busted out in tears. Kurt sniffled and put his hand on Blaine's shoulder. "Blaine?"

 Blaine looked up at Kurt a little and his eyes were blood shot. Was he scared? "Kurt I have no idea why I did that! I was protecting you, and.. and I didn't mean for all of that to happen. I am so sorry! I noticed that I scared you, I shouldn't of beat the living shit out of him.. Why am I doing this to myself? I'm loosing my mind on a tiny error!"

"Blaine, sh..." Kurt put his arms around Blaine and rubbed his back. "It's okay, to not be okay Blaine. Your power overcame you. Don't worry, please. Yes I was scared, but it wasn't your fault." Blaine cried into Kurt's shoulder, for almost twenty minutes.

 "K- kurt?" Blaine stumbled out, pulling away from Kurt's embrace, and looking into his eyes.


 "Do you want to know the real reason I did that?" Kurt nodded as he wiped away some of Blaine's tears, with his thumb.

 "Because I like you. Like, I really like you. I know we just met, but you are amazing. Kurt, you are beautiful, and strong. I don't know how you could of put up with that kind of stuff, but if you were me and I was you, I would have tried to commit suicide. You are an amazing boy, and you have high expectations. I know you want to go Broadway, and I know you love Vogue. Me and Finn talk about you, like last night... I called him and asked him if you were okay and all this kind of stuff."  Kurt had tears streaming down his face, but he stayed silent for Blaine. "I guess what I am trying to say is.. is.... I love you..." Blaine choked on his last three words. Kurt smiled and used his index finger, placing it under Blaine's chin. 

 "I like you a lot Blaine. I really do, and me and Finn talk about you too. He told me the your parents kicked you out for being gay. He said that you live at your aunts and you have had a tough life too. But I never wanted to ask you about it, because I wanted you to tell me when you were ready. Blaine you are a tough guy for what you did. Yes we may have just met, but I think you are perfect and I love that about you, I love the way you can stay strong, I love the way your smile brightens the day, I love the way your eyes twinkle under this dim light, I love the way that you are staring me in the eyes right now, and I just love you." Kurt smiled, and leaned in. Kissing Blaine, and if felt... perfect. 

 Their lips molded together, and moved in sync. When Kurt pulled away, Blaine smiled. "Kurt.. I can't believe you just.. kissed me." Kurt nodded. 

 "Have you ever kissed a boy? Before me?" 

 "No, you were my first kiss.." Blaine looked a bit embarrassed. 

 "You were mine too." It was like they were meant to be. Blaine bit his lip from crying again. Kurt stood up and helped Blaine up. "Let's get to glee club, we can be early," Blaine nodded and Kurt giggled, 

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