Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

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                                                                      - Trojans and Skanks? -

    Kurt stayed up half the night talking on the phone with Quinn. They were complaining to each other how they are always kicked around. They hated it, and when they tell other people their feelings, they get told that's the way life is. So Quinn got an idea, that she thought Kurt would love. 


    "HM?" Kurt asked in a sleepy voice. 

    "I have an idea."

    "And what is that?"

    "Okay, you know that group called skanks?"


   "Well, we.. we could join them?" Quinn said, hoping Kurt wouldn't flip out. There was a beat of silence. 

   "We can.. HM. Meet me at Lima Bean before lunch." Kurt said as he hung up. Then he went to sleep, having the dream of becoming a real skank.


   Blaine walked into the school, smiling because Kurt actually came to school, with him. Kurt walked behind him because he knew everyone knew they weren't together. Both boys were earning mostly negative comments, but the rest were 'Aye they're back! Woah, we missed you!' Stuff like that, Kurt was excited that him and Quinn were meeting at Lima Bean today. He turned the corner and saw Mercedes. 

 "My white boy!" She yelled, opining her arms. They had apologized to each other and became friends. Kurt smiled and hugged her. 


 "How you been? Are you and Blaine okay?" Kurt sighed and shook his head. 

 "I got to go. I don't feel like talking about it." Mercedes nodded and let Kurt walk away. He walked into the bathroom and saw David sitting on the sink, he looked like he was... crying? "David?" Kurt's voice rung, causing the other boy to shoot his head up.

 "Oh hey Kurt." David smiled. Kurt noticed something, his eyes were filled with pain. 

 "David, your smile says you're okay. But your eyes say you're not. What's wrong?" Kurt walked closer to David, and sat beside him on the sink. David sighed and looked over at Kurt.

 "It's really nothing, just a bad headache." Kurt nodded and pulled out a little baggie that had four white pills in it, out of his bag, handing one to David.

 "Take it. It will help." With that David nodded, smiling a real smile. Earning a hug from Kurt. David hugged Kurt back, then said thank you. The bell rung and both boys left the bathroom and went to class. 


 "Kurt, I am glad you came. I can't believe I got here first though." Quinn said as Kurt sat down in the chair. He laughed and nodded. 

 "I know right? I thought I left before you." 

 "Obviously not. So about the Skanks.." Quinn trailed off, leaving Kurt to raise his brow. 

 "What about them?" 

 "Are you sure you want to do this?" 

 "I am sure. Are you?" 

 "Yes, very. I hate that I get treated like a child! I mean, I'm not. I am a teenager, almost an adult! Ugh!" 

 "I know.. did you talk to the skanks?" Kurt asked, getting anxious. 

 "Actually yes. They said...." There was a beat of silence until Quinn grinned. "WERE IN!" Kurt jumped up and hugged Quinn, saying thank you a lot. "Now." Quinn said. "Let's become skanks!"


   Everyone walked into the choir room all happy that Blaine was back. Everyone hugged him. About seven minutes into class, Brittany spoke up. "I don't smell strawberry lip gloss or mint sprigs. Where is Kurt Hummel and Quinn Fabray?" Everyone was looking around for Kurt and Quinn, not seeing them. Sam and Blaine grew worried, along with Rachel. Just as Mr. Schue was going to call for a search party, the door got kicked open. Everyone snapped their head to the door, their jaws dropping. "Kurt?" Blaine asked in a low whisper. 


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