Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

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                                                                                - Lovers All Die - 

  The whole family had just gotten back from breakfast and Kurt already ran up to his room. Burt sighed and sat down on the couch, along with Blaine and Finn. Carole went up to Kurt's room to talk to him about what happened. See, everyone was sitting there at Waffle House all quite. Until Burt broke the silence. 

  "So, I have a question for both you boys." He said looking up. Kurt stiffened, but once he felt Blaine's hand on his thigh his body relaxed. 

  "Sure dad." Kurt said, looking down at his plate. 

  "Well, why did you two break up anyways? Did Kurt lie to you Blaine? I thought you two were happy and in love." Kurt almost choked on his food.

  "Dad..." Kurt looked up and then at Blaine. Showing him that he should tell what happened. Because honestly, Kurt didn't know. Blaine cleared his throat and made a laughing sound. 

  "Well, Burt." He started. "Lies don't ruin relationships, usually, the truth does." Blaine looked down, biting his lip. All eyes were on Blaine, but then they shifted to Kurt. 

  "What is this truth you're talking about, son?" Burt asked Blaine. 

  "Dad-" Kurt tried interjecting. 

  "No let the boy finish."

  "I don't really-" 

  "I know what happened." Finn said. Kurt dropped his fork, eyes darting to Finn. 

  "What is that, Finn?" Carole said.

  "Karofsky kissed Kurt. Blaine told me about it, and.. well.. he just got a little jealous. He cried hours of the night on the phone with me about it." Finn said shrugging. Blaine's breath hitched and his hand was moved. 

  "I'll be in the car." 

  And that was that. Everyone finished eating in silence, as Kurt sat in the car crying. When he saw everyone coming, he straightened himself out and stopped crying. The whole drive was silent, Kurt wouldn't even let Blaine hold his hand. Now everyone was sitting in the living room, except Kurt. 

  "Blaine honey, Kurt wants to talk to you." Carole said silently as she walked into the room. "Be careful." 

  "Thank you, Carole." Blaine said as he made his way up the stairs. He knocked on the door for a minute before Kurt opened the door. His face had tear stains, he looked like his father just died in front of him. "Kurt?" 

  "Go sit down." Kurt said, moving out of the way so Blaine could fully walk in. When Blaine sat down, Kurt walked into the bathroom. Not knowing what was going to happen, Blaine looked around. Seeing that same old shirt that Kurt cried on when they broke up. Two minutes passed and Kurt walked out of the bathroom in a pair of gym shorts and a black tank-top. 

  "Wow..." Blaine thought. Kurt cracked his knuckles and shut off the light, then turned on his lava lamp that Rachel gave him for his birthday. That sadly, Blaine wasn't there for. 

  "Scoot over." Kurt said, causing Blaine to scoot towards the wall. Kurt crawled in beside him, "I need to talk to you." Blaine nodded, feeling Kurt's head rest on his chest. 


  "Us. Relationships. Love." 

  "Oh." Kurt shifted himself so he was facing Blaine. They were still laying together, but Kurt and Blaine could see each other's face's. 

  "Blaine, what is your definition of a relationship?" Kurt asked, curiously. 

  "Well, you've asked me this before. So.. I have a new input of it now. Every relationship has it's own problems, but what makes it a perfect is when you still want to be there when everything sucks." Kurt nodded and sniffled. "What's your definition of a relationship?"

  "Relationships aren't for getting things. They're for giving things. Never fall in love to make yourself happy, fall in love to make the person you fell in love with happy." 

  Blaine smiled and tilted his head. Kurt had a straight face, he actually looked straight at this moment. With his hair all shaggy, and him in a tank top, and those basketball shorts. "Kurt, this is the reason I fell in love with you. Because I want to make you happy, you've made me so happy. And that's all I want to do for you.. make you happy." 

  "You have made me happy. Before you came around, I was bullied and it hurt. But then when I met you in the kitchen that morning, I felt something. I felt a spark. Something I never found. Other then when I thought I was in love with my step brother.." 

  "Finn?!" Blaine said, laughing.

  "Shush up, Blainers. Anyways, I want to tell you something." Kurt seemed nervous about saying what he was about to say. But then he remembered something. COURAGE. 

  "Shoot it at me." 

  "Well, I miss how happy I was with you." Silence. Kurt looked fully over at Blaine, who was nodding. 

  "Baby, I can't promise you a perfect relationship without arguments and differences, but I can promise you that as long as you're trying, then I'm staying." Blaine said staring into Kurt's eyes. Kurt pulled his lip ring in-between his teeth. 

  "I love you..." He said quietly. 

  "I love you too." Blaine said cupping his hands on Kurt's cheeks and pulling him in for a kiss. After a while of the kiss, Kurt got up and went down stairs for a minute. Soon coming back in the room. 

  "I need a nap. Sleep with me?" He asked Blaine. Of course Blaine was going to say yes, so he pulled his shirt over his head and got under the covers.

  "Come here baby." He said with a smile. Kurt obliged and god in beside him. Giving Blaine a quick kiss. 

  "I love you, lots." Kurt said, getting comfortable. A minute went by, filled with silence. Kurt then heard small snores, coming from the one and only Blaine Anderson. 

                                               * Authors Note*

  Hey guys, thank you a lot!! I'm stuck now. Not sure what to put now. HM.. anyways, more chapters soon!!! There's a glee club at my school now, so I am so happy. On Wednesday I might not be on, but anyways. Love you all!!!

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