Somewhere Only We Know (Klaine)

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 *This chapter will switch point of views. It's going to go from Blaine and Kurt to Santana and Brittany.*

                                                                          - Lima Bean - 

  Blaine and Kurt finished the school day, in glee club everyone was happy to see Kurt. There was tears of joy, lots of welcoming hugs, and some kisses on the cheek. Nothing really happened today, so after school Kurt and Blaine were going to Lima Bean. 

  Kurt layed his hand on Blaine's thigh, looking at him. Blaine smiled tapping his hand against the staring wheel of Kurt's navigator. The last time Kurt seen his navigator, it was in the school parking lot. He remembered he left it there when he was meeting the skanks. Well, when he was sneaking out to see his ex, who he clearly never really loved. Blaine stopped at a stoplight, and looked over at Kurt. Gazing into his eyes. 

  There was silence, with rain padding on the windows. Blaine turned his attention back to the road, using his free hand to place it on top of Kurt's hand. It felt nice to just be driving and sending love by looking. They both knew that they were safe, together. 

  Soon ariving to Lima Bean, Blaine locked the doors. Kurt turned to look at him, eyes widening. "Are you gonna kill me?" He asked, his body getting stiff. Blaine laughed and shook his head.

  "No, I want to show you something." 

 "Please, don't show me your penis... I will see that when I'm ready." Kurt said freaking out, covering his eyes. Blaine moved Kurt's hands with his own. 

  "I'm not showing you my penis, Kurt. I'm showing you how much I love you before we go in there." Blaine said, looking into Kurt's glass looking eyes. 

  "What are you go-" Kurt was cut off by Blaine's lips against his. Smiling, he kissed back. If this is what could keep Kurt alive, he would kiss Blaine every second of the day. When Blaine pulled back he pressed his forehead to Kurt's.

  "I need you to keep me alive." Blaine said, gazing into Kurt's eyes. 

  "As long as you let me, I will always be by your side." 

  "Good, now let's go get some coffee." Blaine said, getting up and getting out of the car. Kurt followed in his step, hand in hand.


  Brittany sat there, playing with her spaghetti. Santana and her just finished arguing. They were in silence until Brittany spoke up. "Why can't we be like all the other couples? Like Finn and Rachel, and Kurt and Blaine. Tina and Mike." She looked down, a  tear in her eye. Santana looked up, glaring her perfectly waxed eyebrows. 

  "I'm sorry?" 

  "Why, Santana? We always fight, then never forgive. We just.. act like it never happened. We never talk about it. I'm not even sure if we are together right now because all we've done all night is argue. And I don't want that. But you're making it like it. Everything is about you, Santana. I'm seriously tired of it." Brittany stood up. "I'm sorry, but I'm leaving. Goodbye, Santana." 

  Santana sat there in shock. Brittany started towards the door, earning a yell from Santana. "Wait!" Brittany stopped and turned around. All eyes were on them. "At least let me drive you home.. Please?" 

  "Fine.." Brittany said, walking out and getting in Santana's car. Santana left her money with a tip, running out of BreadStix. Santana got in the car, turning on her radio. 

  We're driving slow through the snow

On fifth Avenue

And right now radio is

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