Chapter 15: "Our love will never die"

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Laura's Pov: One we got in the car I snuggled next to Ross as he put his arm around me. "So where are where are we going mom" Rydel asks. " It's a surprise but its one of London's finest attractions" Stormie says. I look up at Ross whos quite confused in all this. " You'll find out sooner or later" I say ." What you know where we're going?" He asks me. " Yep that's one of the great things of being backstage with your mom" I whisper into his ear. " You're really sneaky you know that" Ross says." Yep I know" I say back. "Seriously can you give us a hint Laura!" Riker asks me. Everyone pulls up close to me. "Okay's here in London," I say laughing. "Is it time brother?" Ross says. I look at them with a confused face. Then back a Rydel."Be prepared" she says. " It's time" Riker says. All of the boys jump on top of me tickling me. " Tell us where were going or this can get worse" Rocky says. I had no room to break free because let's face it we were in a car and I have four boys on top of me. " No I won't " I say laughing. All four boys glance at each other and tickle me in maximum speed. "no stop " I say trying got catch my breath. " Tell us Laura" Ratliff says. " No " I say trying to suck in a breath or two from all this tickling. "Boys stop!" I hear Stormie say. " Come on Laur" Ross says. " Ok fine Ill say but first get off of me" I say. They get off of me and I try to catch to catch my breath. " Ok we're going to the London Eye" I say. " See now was it that hard to tell us Laura" Ratliff says and I smack him on the arm. " Oww what was that for?" He asks. " I just felt like doing that to get even " I say smiling.

Ross POV : "We're going to the London eye." Says Laura after she catches her breath."What's the London eye?" Asks Riker.

"It's like a giant Ferris wheel but instead of cars it's capsules that go really high and you can see all of London and London looks gorgeous at night." Says my mom."Sounds fun." Says Rydel. We finally get to the London eye and its exactly like my mom described it. It's completely light up."Okay guys so break up into 2 groups." Says my mom. Rydel , Laura and I get in a group and Riker,Rocky, Ratliff and Ryland get in a group."Okay 3 and 4 so guys you can go anywhere along here and meet back here at around 10:30 or 11:00 but no later." Says my Dad. Riker and his group spot an arcade a few blocks down and run off in the direction of the arcade. Laura, Rydel and I get in for the London eye. "London looks gorgeous at night." Says Laura."You know who else looks gorgeous?" I ask.

Laura blushes and Rydel asks. "Are you blushing?" "No." Says Laura."You are!! Aww Laura's blushing cause my little bro complimented her." Squeaks Rydel. " Shut up." Says Laura laughing. "Laur you know it's true though. You are gorgeous." I say.

We finally make it to the front of the line and get in a capsule. We are the only people in our capsule. Laura and Rydel our standing on opposite side of the capsule looking out over London. I walk up behind Laura an wrap my arms around her waist. "This is gorgeous." Says Laura looking up at me with her chocolate brown eyes."You're gorgeous." I whisper in her ear.Laura turns around to face me. I look at her then lean in. We share a passionate kiss then pull away breathless."How did I end up with someone so perfect?" I ask looking at Laura."I was thinking that exact same thing." Says Laura. "Hey lovebirds time to get off." Says Rydel.I take my hands off Laura's waist then grab her hand and walk off. "Where to next?" I ask."There's a Ferris wheel just down the pier." Says Rydel.

"Where are the guys?" Askes Laura."Laur when you get Ratliff and them around video games you won't see them for a while." I say.

We walk down to the Ferris wheel after the Ferris wheel we walk around for a while till my mom text Rydel and says its time to head back.

Laura's Pov: As we were walking Rydel got a text from Stormie. " Hey guys we need to meet of with the family now" Rydel says. " Wow time flys by" I say. " Yeah I know" Ross says leaning on me putting all his weight on me. I was about to topple over on Rydel. " Ross how many time do I have to tell you Im a weak individual" I say. Rydel and I laugh at Ross's serious face. " You look so cute when you're serious" I say. " Yeah yeah just don't ever do that again" Ross says with a pouty face. We meet up with the rest of the family. " Hey where'd you guys go?" Riker asks us. " We went to the London Eye" I say. " Man the view was so great" Ross says. " How about you guys?" Rydel asks Riker, Ratliff and Rocky. " We went on a ferry under the London Bridge. We saw some of the weirdest things" Ratliff says. " Wow that would have been cool to see" I say. Mark honks the car horn twice letting us know we need to go. Ross wraps one arms around me and we head to the car. It started pouring rain and we kinda got soaked but reached the car before it can get any worse. Once we got in everyone walked to their hotel rooms leaving Ross and me alone. " So I'm going to change and Ill come over there in a few" Ross says tucking a piece of my wet hair behind my ear. " Ok " I say staring into his chestnut brown eyes. " Plus O gotta go change too". I say. We hug for a minute and then I walk into my room. I take off my wet clothes and hop into the shower. I slip on my sweats with a top and my Uggs. I tie my hair into a wet ponytail and then I hear a knock on my door. " Change of plans we're all heading to Riker's room" Ross says. " Ok let me just lock up" I say. We both head to Riker's room holding hands. Once we get in everyone's sitting there waiting for us. " There are the two lovebirds" Riker says. " Could you guys stop messing with us" Ross says. He drags me to the couch and I sit on his lap. " How about a game of truth or dare?" Ratliff asks. " Sure sounds fun" Ross says. " Are you sure you can handle it I mean remember what happened last time?" Rocky says raising an eyebrow up. I grab a pillow and throw it at his direction. " Really Laura" Rocky says. " Ok back to the topic" Rydel says. " So who's gonna start?" Rydel asks. " How about you start Ross" Riker says.

Ross POV: "Who's gonna start?" asks Rydel."How 'bout you Ross?" Asks Riker. I look at Laura and she just shrugs her shoulders. We use the truth or dare app on Rydel's phone. It lands on Laura's name."Laura truth or dare?" I ask."Um truth." She says.

"How much do you love me?" I ask."I love you soooo much words can't describe. I love you so much I would die for you. I never want you to leave my life." She says."Awww." Says Rydel."Okay Laura your next." Says Rydel. I hand Laura the phone and she hits the spin button and it lands on my name."Ross truth or dare?" Asks Laura."Truth." I say confidently."M Kay if you could describe the person you love the most what would that word be?" Askes Laura."Oh that's a hard one." I say.I glance over at Rydel and she mouths gorgeous, caring, sweet, and beautiful."Well I can't describe the person I love the most in one word but I can describe them in 4." I say.

"Well go a head." Says Laura."Well she's absolutely gorgeous, the sweetest person in the world, she so gentle and caring and she's turns heads when she walks into the room even if she looks like crap because people notice how beautiful she is and I love her." I say.

"Hey guys time for you all to go to bed." Says my mom through the door.We all get up and I take Laura by the hand and we walk out. I walk with her down the hall until we get to her room. "Well I'll see you in the morning." Says Laura."Wait Laura there's something I wanna give you I say.I pull a black box out of my pocket and hand it to her."Ross what is this?" Asks Laura taking the box from my hand."Just open it." I say.Laura opens the box. I had gotten her a locket at the pier and I had "our love will never die" engraved on the back."Ross this beautiful." Says Laura taking the locket out of the box."Read what it says on the back." I say."Our love will never die." She reads out loud."So do you like it?" I ask."I love it." She says."Anything for my girl." I say."Thank you." Says Laura giving me a hug

I kiss the top of her head and she looks up."I love you." Says Laura."I love you too." I say giving Laura a kiss."I'm gonna go to bed." Says Laura walking into her hotel room.

Laura POV : I walk into my hotel room after I say goodnight. I love him so much and I never want our love to die. I sit down on my bed holding the locket. "Our love will never die." I read out loud. I put the locket then grab my diary from my bedside table."Dear diary," I write "Today was an amazing day! I spent with my best friend an the most amazing guy in the world! God I love Ross so much words can't even describe!!!" There's a knock on my door and I yell"It's open!" Rydel walks in as I'm sitting my diary on the bedside table."Hey Delly." I say."Hey. You're in a good mood." She says sitting down on the bed."I know. You have the most amazing little brother in the world." I say. "What's that around your neck?" Askes Rydel looking at the locket Ross gave me."Oh Ross got me a locket and he got this engraved on the back." I say turning the locket over."Laur I never what you to leave my brother. You make him be himself. He couldn't be himself with Maia like he can be with you. Whatever your doing Laur keep doing it." Says Rydel."I will Delly." I say. "Good." Says Rydel."Night Delly." I say as Rydel leaves the room."Night Laura and remember what I told you." Says Rydel as she closes the door.I put my glasses on the bedside table and turn off the light. I drift off to sleep thinking about what Rydel says.

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