Chapter 21: Our Romantic Night

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Laura's Pov: I smiled at the note that was in my hands and turned around to see the red wine tinted rose petals scattered on my hotel room floor. I walked out of my room and saw them tracing down all the way to the elevator. I stepped into the elevator and pressed the down button. As I knew I was getting closer my heart started to beat in a very fast pace. I heard the elevator ding snapping me out of my thoughts. I walked out of the elevator to see another path of rose petals that were leading to the lobby entrance. I pushed through the double doors which led me outside. " Ms. Marano" I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see a man in a black suit call my name. " Good evening Ill be taking you to Mr. lynch" he said opening the door to the limousine right before me. He held his hand out like a gentleman and I stepped into the limousine. He shut the door behind me and took a seat in the front. As we passed through the city of Paris I looked out the corner of my window to see beautiful colorful lights and streamers. There were many performers and the streets were filled with happy and joyful people. I could hear instruments playing and the music was blasted loud for everyone to hear. There were blasts of fireworks illuminating the night sky and I could hear the sound of everyone's voices overlapping another's. " Sorry about the loud noises miss there's a celebration going on tonight here in Paris" the driver says looking back at me. " It's beautiful " I say looking at all that was going on. In a few minutes things grew a little more quieter. We must have passed by the whole celebration. The driver stopped the ignition and I looked out the window curious to know why we stopped. The driver got out of the car and headed towards my side. He opened the door and I walked out of the car. We were at the beach. I could smell the salty sea water out from the distance. It was pretty breezy tonight. I heard the water as it rose up and down the shore. " This way miss" the driver says and I follow him down to the shore. As we got a little closer I could see a speed boat floating in the water and there was a blond boy there untying the ropes that held the boat in place. From that minute I knew it was Ross. We walked up to him and once I got closer I ran to him wrapping my arms around him for a comforting hug. " I missed you so much today" I say looking into his brown eyes that glistened in the moonlight. " I missed you too babe" Ross says and we both lean in and share a passionate kiss. We both break apart smiling. " So what's this surprise?" I ask him. " You'll have to wait and see " is all he says and he hops into the speed boat. He stretches his hand out and I grab it hopping into the speed boat with him. I sat in the back of him and wrapped my arms around his waist for full support. He gave me a quick kiss and started the speed boat. I could feel the cold water splashing onto my legs as he drove faster. I rested my head on his back waiting until we got there. Ross stopped the speed boat and we both hopped off onto a grassy hilled area. Ross tied the speed boat in place and then turned to me. " Ready to go?" He asks. " Ready" I say grabbing his hand and laying my head on his shoulder as we walked up the hill. Half way up the hill Ross suddenly stops and stands right before me. " I need you to close your eyes and give me your hand" he tells me. " Ok" I say closing my eyes and grabbing his hand. A small smile slid across my face. " We slowly walk up the hill Ross holding my hand and me still having my eyes closed. " Ok you can open your eyes now" Ross says. I take a deep breath and let my eyes flutter open. I couldn't believe what I saw before me. We were on the top of a grassy area and candles were lit everywhere not missing one spot. Far out in the distance you could see the spitting image of the Eiffel Tower as it was glowing with perfection.There was a small nice picnic set out for us. Tears filled my eyes and I looked back at Ross who was smiling at me. I walked back to him and embraced him with a tight hug letting him know I was grateful of this. We break apart and I look up at him as he looks down at me.He brings his warm gentle hand up to my face and tucks a strand of my ombré hair behind my ear. " I love you Laura Marie Marano and I hope our love never dies" Ross says looking into my eyes. " Our love will never die" I say looking into his chestnut colored eyes. We both lean in and share a kiss. I could feel that spark we always feel when our lips meet. There were no words to explain this feeling of mine. " Shall we" he says holding out his hand. " We shall " I say grabbing his hand and we walk towards the picnic.

Rydel's POV : Léon suggest we walk down town. We walk down and there's a celebration going on. "What's the celebration for?" I ask Léon looking up at the fireworks."It's for gaining our independence from England." Says Léon in his thick French accent."The fireworks are beautiful." I say."So are you miss Rydel." Says Léon causing me to blush. "Aww thank you." I say."So how long are you here for?" Askes Léon."Just for a couple of days. I'm hear on tour with my band." I say. "That's fun." Says Léon."Ya it is. I love being able to perform." I say."I might just come to one of your shows." Says Léon. "That would be awesome." I say. We keep walking until we get to the Eiffel Tower."Would you like to go up?" Askes Léon."Yes." I say grabbing his hand.We walk to the top of the Eiffel Tower. When we get up to the top we can see all of Paris. "Paris is gorgeous at night." I say."Not as beautiful as you." Says Léon.I turn around to face Léon and look into his ice blue eyes. We lean and share a kiss and I feel a spark I've never felt before. We pull away breathless. "I wonder what Ross and Laura our up to." I say.

Laura's Pov: I got a little cold as the wind brushed my shoulder. Ross had probably noticed because by the time I looked back at him he had taken his jacket off and wrapped it around me. "Thanks" I say smiling at him. I snuggle a little closer to him to gain more warmth and he wraps his arm around me. I looked back into the horizon to see a couple of lighten lanterns floating in the distance. They were hard to see, you had to squint your eyes to see them better as they floated farther in the distance. In no more than about ten minutes there were millions of tiny lanterns floating on sky. " Why so many lanterns?" I ask looking up at Ross. " Everyday on this very night all the people of Paris come together and light lanterns in the sky to symbolize there independence" Ross says looking back at me. " Wow that's beautiful" I say looking into the night sky. Ross stands up and holds out his hand. " Where are we going?" I ask him chuckling. " To go light a lantern" he says. I grab his hand and I get up. We walk down the hill to where millions of people were watching the lanterns float in the distance. " I hear someone familiar calling my name from the distance. " Laura" I hear Rydel say as she walks up to me with Léon. " Hey I didn't know you were here" she says. " yeah Ross took me out on a surprise date" I say looking up at a smiling Ross. I could see the confusion in Ross's face as he stared at Léon. " Who are you?" He asks looking directly at Léon. " Oh Ross stop being so over protective. This is Léon. He was just showing me around Paris" Rydel says introducing Ross to Léon. " We'll I hope your treating my big sister nicely" Ross says. " We'll how could I be mean to such a pretty lady" Léon says looking at Rydel. I could see her cheeks turning into a crimson red again like earlier. " So you guys here to light a lantern?" I ask Rydel. " Yeah Léon said it would be fun so we came here" she says. All of us grab a lantern and light it. We let go and watch as they float into the night sky with the rest of the them. "Well ill see you another day Rydel" Léon says kissing Rydel's hand like a gentleman and then leaves. " You guys ready to go?" Ross asks. " Yeah it's pretty late we should get back " Rydel says. All of us walk back up the hill and gather everything. He head back to the speed boat and hop on. Hopefully there was room for all three of us. We got back onto shore and there was the same driver awaiting us. We got into the limousine and headed back to the hotel. Once we got back in the hotel I kissed Ross and thanked him for the wonderful night. " Wanna go back to my room?" Rydel asks. " Sure" I say. Rydel unlocks her door and we both get in and sit on her bed. " So how was the date with Ross?" Rydel asks me putting all her attention on me. " I have to admit it was very romantic" I say smiling at Rydel. Aww you guys are so cute together" Rydel squeals. " I wish I had a relationship like yours" Rydel says smiling. " Speaking of that how did your date with Léon go?" I ask her and Rydel turns red again. " First of all it was not a date Laura and second it was pretty good. Léon acted like a gentleman the whole night" she says. " Aww that's so sweet. Well I gotta go for the night Rydel" I say. " See you tomorrow Laura" she says and I walk back to my room. Too tired to change I plop onto my bed and close my eyes thinking about tonight.

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