Chapter 9 - Gone Missing

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Rydel's Pov: I walked up to my room and sat on my bed.I was dying of boredom. I know I have my brothers at home but I didn't feel like playing video games with them at this time. I was hoping to spend some time with Laura but she left before I can even ask her. I reached for my phone that was on my bedside table. I scrolled through my messages.Nothing. Thats odd Laura text me, earlier before she left. It's been an awful quite long time since Laura's been gone. I tried texting my brother to see if he knew if Laura texted him at all. I waited for a couple of minutes. I can't do this!! I grew impatient!! Why aren't Ross and Laura answering my texts?My mind began filling itself with bad reasons.Then I hear a knock on my door. Riker comes in. " Hey sis why are you sitting here all alone?" He asks." Riker has either Ross or Laura texted you today?" I ask him." No why?" He says planting a worried look on his face. " Laura said she would text me back later on but it's been an hour since then" I say." I tried texting Ross too but he wouldn't answer" I say. " Have a bad feeling about this Riker" I say.

Riker's Pov: I also had a bad feeling about this. Ross always answers his texts. I am so gonna beat him up if he's doing this on purpose. I turned my head back to Rydel. " Where do you say Ross went again?" I ask her. " Maia's why?" She says. " We'll he must still be there" I say grabbing Rydel by the arm and shoving her into my car. " Are you sure they are there?" She asks. " Where else can they be" I say keeping my eyes focused on the road. Once we get there Rydel immediately gets out of the car and knocks on Maia's door. I catch up to her waiting for Maia to answer the door. Maia opens the door and I can see fear in her eyes. " Hey by any chance have you seen either Ross or Laura?" Rydel asks Maia. " Umm no not really" Maia says. I saw her look back into her house. Something's not right. I can tell. " You're sure you didn't see any of them today?" I ask her squinting my eyes. " Yeah Im pretty sure I didn't see them today" she says giving me a slight chuckle. " We'll thanks " Rydel says. We are about to leave when I suddenly hear a scream and turn back around. Maia was about to shut the door on me but I stopped her using my foot as an obstacle. I push the door open and run in with Rydel right behind me. I look left and right and run through each hallway screaming there names. Where was she keeping them. I yelled one more time. Then I heard someone say " down here!" I tried running towards the basement door but I was suddenly blocked by Maia. I manage to push her out of the way.

Laura Pov: Ross and I hear the lock click on the door. We look at each other and wait for the door to open. When the door finally opens Riker and Rydel are standing there."Come on let's go before Maia can get us." Says Rydel.We sprint up the stairs and Maia's standing at the top "So I see you managed to escape." She says."Maia just let us go." I say."Only if you break up with Ross." Says Maia.

"No I'm not losing the best person in my life because of all the crap you've caused I'm not letting Ross go I don't care what happens. You can make my life a living hell but I'm not losing Ross because of this entire situation." I say.Everyone looks at me in shock."Fine be prepared that's all I have to say. Now get out of my sight and here." Says Maia tossing Ross and I our phones.We all leave and head back over to the Lynch's

A/N: I know this chapter is really short sorry!! This is basically a filler chapter. We will try to make the next one more longer!! So what did you guys think?

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