Crazy, Crazy Idea

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Even when everything seemed to be sorted out in the little town of Mystic Falls, all it took was one person to change the pattern of events. During that night, the person who was going to change how everything would play out was Caroline Forbes, who in the light of recent events has changed her mind and in order to what she has set in mind, she called Stefan at a time, when the only sound that could be heard were the wolves' howls. Despite being midnight, when Caroline called Stefan on the phone, he immediately agreed to meet at her house, as he couldn't sleep either.

However, even though Caroline knew exactly what she needed to say to Stefan, she couldn't help, but stay silent, when Stefan showed up on her doorstep and afterwards sat on one of her couches, awaiting to hear the bad news, since at this time of the day, you don't expect to hear anything good, especially when it comes down to supernatural beings, like themselves. As Caroline sat at uneasiness on her couch beside Stefan, she was preparing herself for Stefan's critique, the moment she would announce him her conspirating plan.

"Hello, Caroline? Speak up, what are you waiting for?! Tell me what's going on and why you told me to come at your house in the middle of the night." Stefan asked impatiently and Caroline looked at him, tempted to yell at him, just because she couldn't decide, whether she should do what she was thinking of or rather stay quiet.

"God, Stefan! You are annoying." She huffed out, as she drawn her gaze somewhere else, anywhere but not at him.

"I am annoying?! You are the one that called me at his forsaken hour and told me to come here. So, now you tell me what happened." Stefan brought to her attention the truth, really.

"Fine. Em... I have a plan." Caoline spelled out almost not being audible.

"About what?" Stefan questioned dumbfounded.

"About how we are going to save Katherine." Caroline finally confessed and exhaled feeling as if a gigantic burden has lifted off her shoulders, at which Stefan probably thought that she had gone crazy, since Katherine was not Caroline's favorite person.

"What?" Stefan doubted Caroline's words the moment they left their lips.

"You heard me. We have to help Katherine." Caroline stated boldly.

"And why is that?"

"Because she doesn't deserve to die like that."

"Since when? Just this morning, we were planning to kill her."

"That doesn't mean one can't change his mind, does it?" Caroline added with a humorous tone, despite knowing the seriousness of the situation.

"Do the others know?"

"No." She admitted.

"Then, what are we even talking about?!" He exclaimed exhausted due to their complicated conversation.

"We're talking about saving Katherine. In secret." She clarified with emphasis on her last words.

"Wait, wait a minute! Since when are you so concerned about Katherine's well-being?" Stefan argued, asking by all means a perfectly righteous question.

"Do you not agree with me?" Caroline avoided answering him.

"That's not what I said and stop beating around the bush. Answer me." He spoke up in a slightly louder tone.

"Look, Stefan. I, sincerely, think she deserves a second chance."

"How come?" Stefan kept pressuring her, until she told him the entire truth.

"You know, it's funny. All this time, you have been interrogating me, and for what?! Oh, I'll tell you. I only suggested we do, what you've only thought about a hundred times, if not more. So, stop the crap, okay?! If you don't want to help, then fine I'll do it alone." Stefan looked at her utterly speechless, trying to comprehend what Caroline was willing to do to help Katherine.

"That's not what I said." He uttered in a low voice.

"Then, what is it that you want to say?" Caroline asked him and just waited to hear his final word on the matter.

"I will help you on one condition." Stefan gave her an ultimatum, that he knew she couldn't and actually wouldn't refuse.

"Fine, tell me." Caroline answered, being aware of the fact that she would need all the help she could get.

"Tell me what is hidden behind all this sudden desire to help Katherine. Because it can't be, that you suddenly started liking her personality." He added with a humourous tone, however Caroline didn't seem relate to his upbeat change of mood.

"Well, what do you mean exactly?"

"Come on, Caroline. I know you. There is no way you would change your mind, if it wasn't for something important. So, fess up. What's it you're hiding from me?" Stefan couldn't help, but smile sensing that the way this conversation has turned, made Caroline deeply uncomfortable.

"Look, Stefan. I already told you, that I think Katherine has changed, since I met her. I am very well aware of the fact that Katherine took advantage of Elena, but I mean who wouldn't? She was just about to die and she found a way to delay her death or even entirely avoid it. Plus, Elena has been her enemy, since always, really. You're telling me that if you had the same chance, you wouldn't do it? You wouldn't willingly hurt someone, in order to live a little longer? Because I would."

"Caroline, we're not talking about whether or not I agree with you. The question is where does this sudden urge came from." Caroline starred at him dumbfounded, honestly not having any clue what he was talking about.

"You really don't see it, do you?" Stefan stated rather than asked. Caroline's face didn't give away any thought she might had on her mind, making it all the more harder for him to understand, whether she was hiding the truth from him or herself.

"See what, Stefan? Say what you want. I have nothing else to tell you. I've already answered your question about a million times."

"So, it has nothing to do with a certain hybrid, who has been obsessed with you, ever since he arrived at Mystic Falls?!" He finally hinted what he thought was the source of her change of heart at the last minute.

"Seriously, Stefan. That doesn't even makes sense. Why would Klaus have anything to do with any of it?" Caroline asked him exasperated, her stamina at his questions waring off rapidly.

"I don't know, Caroline. Maybe because you are the only person, who has seen the good in Klaus, and now you think that Katherine might not be, as well, as bad as everyone thinks. Is this a solid, good reason for you to admit that you have feelings for Klaus?!"

"No way. That is so not the case here." Caroline immediately denied what deep down knew was true.

"You really believe that?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." Caroline confirmed, slightly less confident about the words that came out of her mouth.

"Caroline, we can do this all day, or you can admit the truth to yourself and get on with the plan, right? I don't mind. It's your decision."

"Look, even if I had the tiny, slightest of feelings for Klaus, it wouldn't matter anyway."

"And why is that?"

"Because... It is never going to happen, ever." Caroline dismissed the conversation and stood up from the couch, heading to the kitchen, probably to distract herself from the sadness that suddenly consumed every fibre of her body.

☞ Hello, wattpad readers ☜

I hope you liked the second chapter, in which Caroline asks Stefan's help.

If you have any questions or want to give feedback on my work so far, you're more than welcome to.

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