Hands to Myself

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Beware! Explicit content in this chapter. Sexual images included. Now, enjoy...

Never in a million lives, did Caroline think she would travel across the world, in London, and with Niklaus Mikaelson, of all people. Let alone that he would agree to a plan that the end goal was saving Katherine Pierce's life, human or not. Honestly, Caroline was still having trouble wrapping her head around the fact that Klaus was willing to help Katherine, after all those centuries hunting her down. Once they were on the plane and seated in their respective places, Caroline next to Klaus and Katherine next to Stefan, everything was somewhat calm.

In all honesty, the flight was so far peaceful. Too peaceful. Caroline had expected Klaus to bombard her with questions during the entire flight. Yet what she certainly did not expect was his silence. Which was weird all things considered. Maybe it was a new tactic of his, in order to make her succumb to his charm. Or maybe, just maybe, she was reading way too much into his behavior. What has most likely happened is that he got tired begging for her attention, or the appeal she had to him finally faded away. Both were too much for her to think about.

Pondering over the endless possibilities for his offbeat behavior was mentally exhausting. At last, she decided to simply ask him. But what's simple isn't always easy.

"Hey, Klaus. Are you okay?" She nudged his shoulder to catch his attention.

"Couldn't be better. You?" He returned back to reading his vintage book, before Caroline had a chance to overanalyze his answer, let alone reply. She felt like screaming at the top of her lungs, but even though that would certainly catch his attention again, it would also mean she should be closed to an asylum. What she also struggled to not actually act upon was shake him by his shoulders, until he confessed what game he was playing. Was he so foolish as to play her? Caroline was not one to be played with. Not anymore. Not ever again.

"Why are you acting like this?" She finally found the right words to express her messy thoughts.

"Like what?" He feigned ignorance. For how much he wanted to smile from ear to ear, he couldn't let his plan fall apart to pieces. However, he enjoyed watching every bit of perplexed emotion consuming her frustrated face.

"Normal. You don't do normal. What are you up to?" She questioned suspicious.

"You know what I'm realizing from your reaction? You want me to annoy you with my questions and compliments. In other words, you like being chased. Isn't that right, Caroline?" He managed to avert her attention to where he wanted to direct the conversation and so far he was successful.

"And... he is back." She exclaimed, avoiding to answer him on purpose.

"I'm sure you missed me love." He smirked and waited for her explosion.

"Your ego is in tact, so I guess everything is back to normal."

"Why wouldn't it?" He raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Because I got you in this mess with Katherine. I bet you have far more important things to deal with."

"Truth is... There's nowhere else I'd rather be." Caroline smiled sweetly at him. Despite hearing his words was heaven to her ears, she tried to remind herself that Klaus could very well have came with her in London for his own selfish and manipulative reasons. Klaus Mikaelson was not the person to rely on or trust, especially when it came to good intentions, and she'd better remember that. However, her heart wanted to believe him, believe he quit everything in his life in an instant to be there for her, when she needed him. The alternative was not something she wanted to consider.

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