Chapter 8

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~Allie's POV~

It got to lunch time and Calum and I had to go back to Mrs Spencer to find out if we had the roles of Aladdin and Jasmine "Cal I don't think I want to be Jasmine anymore, I won't be comfy in the outfit" he laughed "you would look fab in her outfit but don't worry we can get it to cover you up if you want" I replied "I knew this is why you chose them, but thank you for agreeing that I can cover up" he continued with "hey I have to wear a jitte jacket" , " I know and i'm not complaining" I smiled back at him. We walked into the classroom to Mrs Spencer who told us "You guys are so fantastic and your chemistry just makes me want to watch more of you and I don't know if i'm allowed to have input on this but you are such a cute couple and I hope you stay together" I blushed and Calum looked at me then said "we aren't actually a couple" Mrs Spencer smiled and apologized then as we went to leave she called my name "Allie, he likes you I can tell" this is the first time I have ever spoken to Mrs Spencer without Charlotte close and I liked it but I told her "I wish but I don't think he does" and she laughed "you just don't know how to look at it because you have told yourself that he can't like you" I left with a smile I hope she was right but I couldn't be sure.

I had P.E last for 2 hours great nothing is more exciting, oh wait everything is concidering it's 2 hours on my own with Charlotte saying anything that pops into her head. I was in the middle of getting changed when Charlotte came in "you need to cut down of the chips(fries) otherwise Calum will never like you" and it begins I have to reply though otherwise it'll look like she got to me "I'm not trying to get Calum to like me and I don't really think there is anything wrong with my figure" she smirked "so you don't like him oooo goody now I won't feel bad when we go out tomorrow" I didn't believe that they were going out tomorrow at all I could tell Calum didn't like her as a friend let alone anything more but I just smiled sweetly and told her to have fun, she certainly wasn't expecting that so she sauntered off. Surprisingly she didn't make any more little jibes and digs at me through the lesson and as we were playing dodgeball I used it to my advantage and kept throwing the balls towards her unfortunately my aim is terrible so I missed a lot but when I did hit her it felt like a huge victory. Nobody got me out because i'm a secret ninja so my skills are amazing either that or nobody could be bothered to try and get me out, being an outsider is so much fun. 

I went back to the changing rooms and hurried to get changed when I realised one of my shoes had been stolen, I already knew it would be in the showers so I went to get it and there it was and filled with water too, what a surprise. I emptied my shoe and put it on and then picked up my bag to leave, my foot squelched every step I took, I was expecting to see Emily outside but she wasn't there so I went to Maths to fetch her, "Heeeyyyy" she said to me "sorry i'm late out I was talking to Jack" she was talking to Jack as in the Jack "riiiight okay, i'd ask questions but i'm scared" I laughed at her. We made our way to my car which now had a matching scratch on the other side and the four lads were stood looking at it, Luke said "Is it Charlotte who keeps doing this?" and I nodded  "she can't let me have anything" Michael took another look at my car and said "you're gonna ride to school with us next week so she can't damage it anymore okay?" and I nodded again, I don't know why but just recently Charlotte has been getting worse and she was starting to get to me, I had never been that bothered before but I couldn't help it.

~Calum's POV~

I had 2 hours of History for the last lesson of the day, i've never liked history but I had my Luke with me so it would be alright. We sat down and the teacher, Mr Craig, asked us what we knew about history Luke said nothing really and I said "I can't remember, it's all in the past" nobody laughed but I thought it was quite funny personally. Luke just looked at me and said "what are you doing?", "practising my comedy skills, it's my back up plan if the band fails not that it will" he laughed "stick to soccer as your back up" and we sat and listened for the first hour of the lesson. Mr Craig was clearly bored of teaching and he said "you did a good job today everyone so i'll give you a free lesson" everyone got up and moved seats and started chat amongst themselves and I turned to Luke who looked as confused as I felt but we got on with chatting and he said "so Cal" , "so Luke", "what's going on with you and Allie?", "don't even mention it Luke because I have no idea" he laughed at me, "she likes you, you like her just ask her out already" everybody seems to think she likes me so maybe she does, I mean I really hope she does but I have know way to know for sure and I don't want to ask her out and then she says no it would make things awkward. "Luke I don't know" I said calmly, "well there is only one way to find out" and then we just sat trying to think up lyrics for new songs because we hadn't brought many out in a while.

At the end of the day we went to Ashton's car to see him and Michael waiting for us but they were staring at Allie's car, "what are you looking at?" I asked them and they pointed at the side of the car where there was another huge scratch all the way down the side, Allie was going to be upset she only jusst got the car and Charlotte had already ruined it. "I could kill that girl" I said outloud and Michael asked me who, "Charlotte she did the scratch on the other side too". Allie was walking out with Emily and they both smiled and gave us a wave she asked why we were looking at her car and I saw her face sink, I knew she'd be upset. Michael told her that she was going to have to ride to school with us next week and leave her car at home she nodded in agreement but said nothing, I knew something was up but i'd ask her later because she probably didn't want to mention it in front of everyone.


hope you enjoyed this one guys, i'll try to get updated later I feel like we are getting into the story a little more now so be prepared for some drama :) if I don't update later it'll be tomorrow.

please give me your thoughts, it helps me out :)

oh and in the next chapter we shall see some more points of view because I feel like it's needed so have fun with that ;) see you in the next chapter

P.S. the picture is of Emily and as chapters go on I will add the ones when she changes her hair :P

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