Chapter 5

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~Allie's POV~

Emily hugged me as she was leaving Calum's house, I felt bad for leaving her but I had so much fun with Calum and even though it wasn't a date it sure felt like one and I really do like him a lot so she won't be mad with me. Emily whispered into my ear so quietly I could barely hear her "You tell me everything tomorrow lady" and walked off down the road. I said bye to Calum giving him a hug and like word vomit I told him I loved him, which isn't a lie I do love him and when he said it back I couldn't help but grin, then again he probably meant it in a friendly way and not at all how I wanted him to mean it.

I walked in the house and was jumped on by my mum and sister, I screamed "What are you doing?", they simultaniously started singing "Calum and Allie sittin in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G", I cut them off "Nooooo, we are just friends" mum found my answer boring and walked off, isn't my mother wonderful, Clementine (my sister) decided to add one extra comment before leaving "riiiight just friends", she is 6 years old, she shouldn't be saying this stuff yet what a strange child. Oh I haven't really mentioned my sister before have I? well she's basically a short version of me, long brown hair (her's usually in pigtails), bright blue eyes, reasonable sized nose and plump lips, she even acts like me guess I raised her well. 

I climbed into bed and turned on my laptop, checking twitter and I actually had a few mentions which is very rare, the first was from Calum saying 'Had a fantastic night with @AllieBear' awww he's so sweet so I tweeted 'Jees that @Calum5SOS is a douche ;)' then there was one from Michael 'Just been left by @AllieBear and @Calum5SOS nasty people' and one from Luke that basically said the same, I laughed to myself and then checked Tumblr I ended up reblogging loads of rubbish, then I shut down the laptop and curled into my duvet to sleep.

I woke up before my alarm this morning ahhh 5 minutes of relaxation but I just couldn't relax my body wouldn't let me, darn you body, might as well get ready I chose to dress up a little more than usual today because Calum was at school today and I have to make a good impression right? I don't think he really cares but I like to be prepared. After breakfast I heard a knock at the door, I went to answer it because mum was busy making Clementine some breakfast and to my surprise it was Ashton "Morning Ash, what's up?", "Just wondering if you wanna ride to school with us this morning" and Mikey and Calum started shouting from the car "COME ON ALLIE!" and I agreed "I clearly can't refuse such treatment...BYE MUM, BYE CLEM" and I got my bag and climbed in the back of their car next to Calum "Hello there lads, you excited for school?" I asked and they actually seemed enthusiastic about it, they will change their minds by tomorrow.

Ashton parked the car up and they all got out, I couldn't help but laugh in the car because every single girl turned and stared at them and started whispering to their friends no wonder we don't have many boys worth talking about at our school so when four like these park up there is gonna be some drama this makes me more excited to get out of the car and show that I was riding with them. Calum came around to my side and opened the door for me "I could have done that myself Cal" and I punched him playfully and then he pulled me into an unexpected hug and everyone's faces changed to shocked which made me laugh even more "come on then Allie, be our guide to english" Luke said and I walked them to the English building where we saw Emily who was talking to Charlotte and her entourage, all of them turned around to the lads and flicked their hair to look 'hot' but Emily ran over and jumped into Michael's arms "Sorry sweetie but I have to show them up" she said to him and we continued walking over with Michael carrying Emily bridal style. "you don't have to carry that thing you know" Charlotte said to Michael but he looked her dead in the eyes and said "what thing I only seem to be carrying a beautiful girl" Charlottes face dropped a little so she quickly turned to me and said "and who do you think you are buddying up with the newbies?" he tone was harsh and I didn't have an answer prepared but Ashton stepped in "both Allie and Emily are our best friends and I don't appriciete your tone towards them" I chuckled to myself aww Ashton could be so cute sometimes.

The whole school day went by really fast it was mainly showing the 5sos boys around and being stared at for talking to them, I got a lot of dirty looks that day and I could tell that my popularity points hadn't gona up at all actually I think I entered the negetive numbers, 'What are you thinking about?" Cal asked me, "Nothing, just that you guys have made me even less popular" I smiled whilst answering so he knew I was joking and he answered "you just wait when we're world famous and on huge tours everyone will want to be your friend, then you can knock them down", "I guess that will be cool but don't go leaving me to go on tour yet" and after I said this he said "I would miss you too much to go now" and we both looked away. It was really awkward on the way home I couldn't help but sit in silence thinking about what just happend and nobody else seemed to want to speak so they didn't and Michael walked home with Emily because there wasn't enough room in the car. I got out of the car and shouted bye going straight to my house, i had just made things worse well done Allie.


Thanks for reading this one guys, I might not be able to update for the next few days because i'm busy but if I don't get to tomorrow then you will have to wait until sunday ;) sorry

Dedicated to shonastyles because she has been really supportive so far :)

Hope you enjoyed it though it wasn't as exciting as I hope but it's only chapter 5 ;)

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