Chapter 18

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~Allie's POV~

I know I shouldn't have agreed to go out with Josh but it wasn't a date, we're just friends, he knows that and I hope he is respectful enough not to try anything. I have been so bored these last couple of weeks, yeah I love spending time with Emily but it just wasn't the same without the boys now. I wanted Emily to help me pick an outfit but she refused to have any involvment at all because she couldn't believe I was actually going but I needed to take my mind off Calum and I don't mean in an I'm gonna cheat on him way, I settled with my batman jumper and plain skinny jeans, this way I didn't look like I was in date mode because I wasn't. Josh said he was coming to get me at luch time and then we could go to the park, I had an hour to get ready so I had loads of time.

After I was ready I got a phone call from Emily 

"So you're gonna go through with this?" she said quite angrily

"yes Em I am and it isn't a date"

"but you said Cal got jealous when you were just talking, what's he going to think about this?"

"he trusts me, he'll be okay with it"

"yeah, yeah whatever you say"

then she hung up, she was clearly not happy but I knew nothing was going to happen, it's not even her choice if I go or not and now she's got me questioning if Calum will mind. I'm starting to feel bad, ugh!!!! The door was knocked upon (how posh is that?!?!?) I answered and Josh was stood there with flowers "Josh you shouldn't have", "Princess, a beautiful girl like you needs somebody to constantly pamper her and suprise her" Oh damn I was wrong, I was so wrong, Emily is gonna kill me. "It's a good thing i've got that then" I replied "yup, I'm always here babe" Josh said looking completely serious "no I meant Calum", "babe all of the magazines say that you guys are going through a rough patch" oh yeah, we're not together anymore in the media eye, what the hell am I supposed to do now.

We got to the park and Josh had set up a picnic, a really romantic looking one, I think, well it seemed romantic. I didn't talk much instead I just ate and ate and ate.

"big appitite for a small girl" Josh said laughing

"I'm not that small"

"not all of you" his eyes flicked down

"urm yeah okay, look at the time I have to leave" I looked at my emtpy wrist

"you aren't wearing a watch"

"well I best go buy one then" I stood up and tried to walk away

"hey, I'm sorry don't go"

Josh grabbed my hand and pulled me into him, I struggled trying to get away but his grip tightened and he kissed me, it wasn't even nice it was more like a washing machine but we didn't get the string of saliva like on Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging thank the queen J.K Rowling, I might have died if that happened. Josh finally let go and I turned and rang finding Emily in my contacts, I explained what had happened and she said straight away "I told you so! didn't I tell you? yes I did, I told you so!" I could feel her smiling through the phone, I hate it when she's right but she told me she'd come round to mine anyway.

I turned on the T.V and sat there were the 5SOS lads and Emily walked in just as the interview started "MIKEY!!!!!" she yelled "shhhh Emily listen" and we sat watching, it was mainly an introduction and then the interviewer asked them to sing, Calum looked at Michael and the others nodded "this is our song beside you, dedicated to two lovely ladies, they know who they are" Calum smiled, I looked at Emily who was looking back at me and we aww'ed then they started singing and whenever the Camera was on Calum or Michael's face they looked directly into the lens as though they were singing to each of us. After they had finished the interviewer who's name I now knew to be Megan looked at Calum sadly "Calum we have just been dropped some news and thought you might like to know" I was worried, what if it was something terrible and I couldn't do anything to help him because he was half way across the world. Megan continued "We heard the you and a girl named Allie Parker had been seeing each other, nothing official but you were seeing each other" I already knew what she was going to say but I hoped that I was wrong, Megan's mouth opened and these words came out "an anonymous source has told us that Allie has been seen kissing somebody else, like full on" Emily pulled me into her but I was fine because Calum said "I don't believe you, she wouldn't do that" It was the next part that made my cry and I mean sob into Emily, Megan said "we thought you'd say that but we have proof" pictures of me and Josh in the park and when he gave me flowers appeared on the screen, Calum's face fell along with the tears on my face "I....I...she wouldn't, that, it can't be her, she wouldn't!!" He stormed off stage but I could tell he was crying, he only said what he did because he didn't want it to be the truth, it wasn't the truth though. I heard a laugh from outside and Emily went to have a look "that little weasel! i'm going to kill her" I looked at Emily and asked her "what, who is it?" "hun, we just found the anonymous source" and who could it be, here's a surprise. Charlotte!

~Calum's POV~

Our first proper interview being aired all over the world, it was going to be amazing, I was expecting the unexpected. We went onto the stage and had a bit of small talk with the interviewer Megan and then she asked us to do a song, I looked over at Michael to indicate that we should do Beside you and Luke and Ashton agreed, whenever I noticed the camera was on me I made sure to look right down the lens so Allie knew I was singing to her because I meant every word I sang. The song had just finished and Megan looked at me seriously "Calum we have just been dropped some news and thought you might like to know" I was getting a little scared now but if it was serious she wouldn't braodcast it, would she? Megan continued "We heard the you and a girl named Allie Parker had been seeing each other, nothing official but you were seeing each other" I nodded slightly wondering where this was going, then she said it "an anonymous source has told us that Allie has been seen kissing somebody else, like full on" I wasn't even bothered, I genuinely don't think she'd do that Allie wasn't that kind of girl and so I said "I don't believe you, she wouldn't do that", "we thought you'd say that but we have proof" pictures of Allie and somebody I couldn't see the face of came onto the screen next to Megan, then I saw it...Josh! stupid Josh had got my girl, my face had fallen and I stuttered "I....I...she wouldn't, that, it can't be her, she wouldn't!!" I felt tears prick the back of my eyes, I didn't want to believe it but all the evidence was there.

I was backstage now and all the boys ran up to me "don't believe it Calum, we don't know her side of the story" Luke nearly yelled at me, Michael grabbed his phone and started texting who I assume to be Emily and Ashton just nodded along with Luke. Luke was right though the pictures could have been made to look bad, I trust Allie, she wouldn't do that I just know it but now I need to find out what the hell happened that means what I planned is going to have to take place sooner than expected but it makes me happy in a way...the girls are coming to Australia. Well after I phoned Allie to make sure she wasn't with that piece of scum.


Hope you enjoyed, oooooooh drama! I tried to make this longer for you, I think I did well :)

dedicated to Mashton5sos because she always comments and is so lovely, check out her story 'swapped fate' omg do it, do it now it's sooooooo good, one of my faves :D

I shall update as soon as I can, love you all xxx 

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