Chapter 3

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~Allie's POV~

I woke up just wanted to go back to sleep, I was so comfortable but I looked around the room thinking what is this place, this is not my room. "hmmm" I heard a voice, turning around I saw Calum laying beside me with his arm still around my waist, "morning, I forgot i'd be waking up to you" I smiled as I spoke, I really didn't mind waking up this way, it was very nice. "Morning beautiful......Allie, morning Allie" he smiled and looked away, he called me beautiful eeeeeeeeee! omg I haven't told Emily any of this she's gonna freak, in a good way, "Awww aren't you both adorable" Ashton laughed, him, Luke and Michael were looking at his phone "what are you talking about Ash?" Calum asked him, "Just this cute picture of you two Cal" and he turned the phone around to show us and there was a picture of Calum and I snuggled in so close to each other that we looked like we were joined together, both of our faces glowed red as we smiled. "OMG I HAVE SCHOOL, WHAT TIME IS IT?" I disturbed the moment by yelling, "Haha we start tomorrow and it's only 7:30am" Michael laughed at me, "I best get moving then, thanks for having me over Cal it was lovely meeting you all" I said to them and I meant it, Calum then said "It was nice having you over, just give me my stuff back later, you are coming round later aren't you?", looking down at what I was wearing and remembering it was his "Okay and yeah sure and could I bring my friend Emily, I think you'll like her", "Yup of course you can, see you later then" Calum agreed and then gave me a hug goodbye, after releasing me the others all hugged me too and I left running round to my house.

I got dressed even though I didn't want to take Calum's shirt off, I shouted bye to mum and got in the car, "OI PARKER!" Emily's voice boomed through my car window "AHHHHHHH....Em you scared me", she hopped in the passenger seat "Well you didn't text me last night", "sorry I was busy, I have sooooo much to tell you hun" and I explained the whole night and told her that she had to come round tonight with me, "I need to meet this Calum and approve of him" she laughed "Is one of them suitable for me do you think?" I had to tell her about Michael as they would be so cute together, Emily was always dying her hair different colours and playing video games and if she wasn't doing that, she was stuffing food into her mouth, she liked the sound of him but she had to meet him first. We walking into school still talking about last nights events and I got an email from twitter showing that @Calum5SOS @Ashton5SOS @Luke5SOS @Michael5SOS and @5SOS had followed me, I quickly followed them all back and put my phone away "I'll show you pictures of them all later" I told Emily and we went to our lessons.

~Calum's POV~

I was really happy that morning even after Allie had left for school, I just couldn't stop smiling "Damn Cal, you really like her don't you" Michael said to me "I don't know Mikey, I have only known her a day but I already can't get her out of my mind", he sighed looking at Luke and Ashton, I just went to get dressed, we were going for a little tour around the city to get used to where stuff was.

Ashton drove us in all directions clearly had no clue where to go, "so Ash where is it that you're taking us?" Luke asked "Wherever the wind takes us" Ashton replied, that to me didn't sound very promising but we all just sat back and had a look around. Ashton put the radio on and 'I'm sexy and I know it' came through the speakers and because we are all amazingly awesome we started singing along and bouncing in the car, Michael decided to keek it because Ashton couldn't and we all laughed when only seconds after it was uploaded we were getting 20 notifications in each 30 seconds, it makes me feel like we've done a really good job when that happens I really do love our fans. "Time to get home I do believe" I said to them, "You just don't want to be late for Allie, don't worry Cal it's not like she lives miles away, we can just get her from her house" Luke reassured me, "I just thought, never mind you're right" I said whilst Ashton turned the car around and took us to my house. "Why did you guys even bother to move into your own homes, you practically live at mine already" I laughed as we walked to the garage, Michael just said "This garage is not your house it is our band room now and your mother agrees", we started to practice some more songs and my sister Mali came in for a listen "You guys keep getting better" we all thanked her and she left, she never stays long she just comes in when we play 'Try hard' and then she leaves.

~Allie's POV~

Last lesson of the day was music, I had it with Emily so you would accpect that it would be my favourite lesson as it was 2 of the best things in the world together but no I hated it, only because Charlotte was teachers pet and was always up at the front singing and never giving anybody else a chance and I don't want to sould bitter but she couldn't even sing that well. "I think that we should have a sing off" Mrs Spencer said to the class and Charlotte's hang flung into the air "I'll go first miss and afterwards I want Allie to sing" Ha! she thought I was shy well i'll prove her wrong and I already knew what I was going to sing. Charlotte got up to the front and sang 'Just give me a reason' by Pink and everybody clapped and cheered, my turn now I got up and asked if I could play guitar as well, I was allowed so I sat down and got ready to sing an acoustic version of 'Heartbreak girl' nobody knew the song but they seemed to enjoy my version of it and just after I finished I took a glance at Charlotte and her face was a picture but she quickly moved it back to her everyday scowl. Mrs Spencer asked everyone to write the name down of who they thought was better and the majority said me which caused Charlotte to storm out and Mrs Spencer had to go and fetch her. I went over to Emily "That was brilliant Allie! Did you see her face?" she said to me excitedly "Yup it was amazing just watching it sink" the whole class just turned into a bunch of ramble and all the lads decided to sit under the tables, so immature but of course that's my middle name (not really) and Em and I got underneath as well.

We walked out of school to my car and saw a bright pink piece of paper underneath the window screen wipers, I picked it up getting an instant wiff of Charlotte's perfume and open the note "Great voice darling but i'm sorry about your car" I wondered what the note meant but I heard Emily "WHAT A LITTLE B****", "what are you talking about Em?" I said as I moved around to the left side of the car, my face fell she had scratched my car all the way down the side, Emily said "I'll kill her", "Emily just leave it" I said calmly "Don't lower yourself to her level" and we got in the now damaged car and drove to mine. Just as we pulled into the drive we saw the 5SOS boys pull into Calum's.

"Calum!" I yelled and jumped into his out streched arms giving him a hug, "Allie!" he yelled back, I said hi to the rest of them and introduced Emily to them all, and they did the whole group hug thing to her "Hello boys" she said flirtatiously, she just can't help it she is always like this around beautiful males. they didn't seem to mind though especially Michael, I knew they would hit it off and they went to play on a video game together, "well that was faster than I expected, we aren't even in the house yet" I said "Ha! leave them to it" Calum replied as Luke and Ashton walked off laughing. "Just us two then" I said quietly but Calum heard me "Yeah just us, let's ditch them and go somewhere" he looked like he was joking but when I agreed he grinned and said "you'll have to take me somewhere as i'm the newby in town", "get in the car then" and he walked over to my car.


I'm not massively happy with this chapter it was just a filler to get Emily meeting the boys.

It will get more exciting I promise :)

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