Chapter 2

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~Calum's POV~

We are moving to England and I mean my whole band and their families, we will always visit Australia and do tours there but we needed to move, get inspired by new things and just have a change, Ashton (Irwin), Michael (Clifford), and Luke (Hemmings) had already got settled into their new homes so they had come to mine this morning to help us unpack "It's been a long day but we did it" Luke said with a sigh, I ran over to him and put my arms around him giving him a hug "Lukey it's okay we can go and rest now and i'll give you a cuddle" he smiled "aww yay Calum cuddles", no we aren't gay we just have a very strong bromance call us cake ;) Ashton and Michael act the same and they are Mashton.

We all went through to the living room to go on the xbox and about 10 minutes later the doorbell went, I left mum to answer it and she let a woman into the house who came through to introduce herself "Hi lads, I'm Tanya and I live next door" we all said hello and she asked if we would let her daughter in once she got here and we agreed (it's not like I could say no), then she went to the dining room with mum, just as we got settled back into our game the doorbell went again, "CALUM GET THE DOOR" mum yelled through, so I got up and made my way to the door, when I answered I was taken aback, a beautiful girl stood in front of me with long brown hair and piercing blue eyes, I finally got around to saying something which wasn't as smooth as I had wanted "erm...hi, I'm Calum nice to meet you" she replied with excitment "OMG you're Austrailian! My mum never told me you were Austrailian" I laughed "yeah I am and you must be Tanya's daughter" she calmed down "Oh right yup that's me" and she held out her hand "Allie, nice to meet you", I shook her hand, English people are so polite "you sound really posh" I said to her but she just laughed "your mum is in the back but you can come sit in the living room with us" I told her and she smiled "wait who's us....?" she asked.

~Allie's POV~

I made my way to next door and rang the doorbell, I only had to wait a few seconds until a boy stood in the door frame, no joke he was hot, like really handsome, jet black hair, dark olive skin and warm brown eyes that made me menlt inside, be calm Allie, be calm I told myself we stood in silence for a while until he said "erm...hi, I'm Calum nice to meet you" he's Austrailian, he just keeps getting more and more perfect, Allie you're going to do something stupid so calm down I had to keep thinking this stuff it's all that seemed to calm me a little "OMG you're Austrailian! My mum never told me you were Austrailian" you did it, you were stupid well done, I introduced myself and he invited me in. He took me into the living room and 3 other good looking lads were sat on the xbox "Guys this is Allie, Allie this is Ashton" he said pointing at a boy with dark blonde wavy styled hair, "Michael" pointing to the next boy who was pale with platinum blonde spiked hair "and Luke" he said as he went over and hugged the boy with golden blonde hair in a quiff "Hi there" I said to them all and before I knew it, I was in the middle of a group hug.

They invited me to play on a 2 player fighter game with them and I was proudly undefeated until it came to michael "You're button mashing is no match for my skills!" he yelled, I replied "Oh sorry love all bow down to Michael" and we all started bowing and laughing.

~Calum's POV~

We were all in my living room for hours playing the game and laughing, Allie was really cool and I couldn't help but look over at her several times, she really had a strange affect on me and Luke noticed because he nudged me and whispered "oooo Cal Cal's got a crush" thank god it was dark because I could feel my cheeks turn red.

Tanya and my mum came through to tell Allie it was time to go and we all pouted and I whined as a joke "Noooo, let Allie Wallie staaaay" and my mum said "she can stay as long as she wants you only live next door and she's a lovely girl" Tanya said "Oh alright then" and we all cheered, we were really close friends with Allie and we had only known her a few hours, she smiled and went to say bye to her mum and whilst she was out of the room me and the boys were telling each other what we thought of her,they all said how awesome she was and Ashton said "yeah she's really great and clearly head over heels for Calum" the others agreed and looked at me "No guys, I don't think she is" Michael piped up and said "Cal the amount of times she looked at you and did one of those girly smiles was unreal" but before I could answer she was back in the room.

"Right it's time for you to listen to our band" I said "We need to practice so you can watch us", she beamed "you're in a band, what more can you do to be perfect" and she quickly looked away and went to speak to Luke, she thinks i'm perfect?! maybe it just slipped, she didn't mean it, she can't have. I took Allie's hand and was leading her to the garage where the band stuff was set up, "You excited?" Luke asked her "OMG yes, I really hope you're good though" she laughed. We played heartbreak girl and she seemed to get into it and take every bit of it in. When the song finished her mouth dropped open "Your voices are amazing!, that was crazy, I think I am your new no.1 fan" we all bowed "Thanks Allie, we are honoured to have you as our no.1 fan" I said. Then I looked over to the clock and it was midnight we had been talking for ages and Ashton decided to stay at mine along with Mikey and Luke, "You can stay too if you like Allie" I told her, stupid Calum why do that?, Allie did a cute little smile "yeah that sounds really fun, let me just text mum" I grinned stupidly and went back into the house to get duvets and pillows.

~Allie's POV~

I've had an amazing night so far and now i'm sleeping at Calum's house this is crazy i've not even known him a full day but I have fallen head over heels for him.

Whilst Cal went to get sleeping stuff and something for me to sleep in the rest of the boys wanted to play heartbreak girl once more "we'll just have to try without the bass" Ash said and as they started I knew thy needed the bass otherwise it sounded too different and weird so I picked up Calum's guitar and joined in "Keep going I got this" I expressed to them and I even sang Calum's parts with Luke's help, I pick up on songs I like pretty fast so I got really into it.

Calum was stood in the doorway of the garage with his mouth hanging open "You'll catch flies doing that" I told him and he stared at me "you play bass and really well" and I giggled "and lead guitar and piano, not to brag" Michael said "you should play with us sometime" and then smacked his hand over his mouth "I didn't mean..." he mumbled whilst the rest of us burst out laughing "I'm okay thanks Mikey" then we packed up and got ready for bed "NO PEEKING" I shouted at them and they agreed apart from Ashton who said "I make no promises" and I puched him playfully and hurriedly got changed into some lounge pants and a NASA top hat smelled like Calum. We all snuggled into our duvets and Luke whimpered "I forgot Pengey" Calum looked over to him "awww Lukey i'll be your penguin" I laughed "you guys are so cute" Calum answered by jumping onto Luke and saying "I Lub my Hemmings" in the cutest voice, "get off me Hood" and he got up and crawled back into his duvet next to mine.

I whispered "It's really cold" but they were all asleep "okay then i'll just freeze on my own" I heard Calum stir and sit up "awww you're cold?" he questioned "yes I am" and he smiled "alright then Allie come here and have a Calum cuddle to warm you up" and I have to say I couldn't refuse so i wormed my way over and let him wrap his arms around me and believe me I wanted to stay there forever.

~Calum's POV~

I heard a noise and started to wake up a little, "I'll just freeze on my own" I heard a voice say but I din't know who it belonged to and then I remembered, I asked Allie is she was cold and she was so I offered her one of my famous Calum cuddles and she didn't say no :).

She came over to my duvet and I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my chest. It felt really natural like she was meant to be there. I felt her relax into me and then a few minutes later her breathing slowed and went heavy indicating that she was asleep, I could have stayed like that forever just in that moment, I'd fallen for this girl.


Hello, thanks for reading this chapter I hope you liked, it was a bit of a mash up of POV's but I felt like you needed to see the different views of the same situation, i'm going to keep writing as I am which is just how it comes to me so let's see how the rest evolves.

I do have a general idea of where I want the story to go but it could all change...

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