Chapter 17

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~Allie's POV~

I woke up to my alarm at 5:30am it was Ashton repeatedly saying "it's a chocolate milk party, it's a chocolate milk party" it always got me up in the morning. I got changed pretty quickely making sure to wear my 5SOS shirt, today was the day they were leaving, I put a smile on my face before leaving the house though because I don't want to make them feel sad. I walked straight into the house to see all the lads freaking out "did we get everything? are you sure we're ready to go?" I heard Ashton's voice in the next room "hi guys!!" I shouted through and then 5 heads popped around the corner, Emily looked happy but I could see in her eyes that she wasn't so I gave her my best sympathetic look, she got it because she nodded slightly. I ran into the boys yelling "GROUP HUG" and we all squeezed each other, we had to get into the rented van to get to the airport and it was the most depressing trip I have ever been on, even the radio was playing sad songs.

We pulled up at the airport and Emily and I helped the boys and Liz (Luke's mum) with their bags, she was the only mum going with them because she needed to make sure they were okay and Luke was behaving, Luke got really annoyed with her sometimes but I thought it was great how much she cared about him. A voice came through the speakers "anybody boarding the flight to Sydney, Austrailia the gates are open and the plane will depart in 20 minutes" all of the boys stood up and Ashton said "cuddles time" and I cuddled the boys one by one, kissing each on the cheek and then Calum on the lips, of course and then we had to break apart due to the flight being called again, the boys headed off towards the flight and the flood gates opened, tears streamed down my face and Emily joined in, Calum and Michael turned around to wave but ran into us picking us up "don't cry babe, I want to leave you happy even though I don't wanna go" calum said to me and I smiled as well as I could then they ran off again. After we watched their plane rise I gave Emily a hug and we took the van home.

~Emily's POV~

They had really gone, for 2 whole months, to a completely different time zone, I never thought I would be so upset to see them leave but they all mean the world to me now. Everything was really quiet and I could tell that Allie felt as lost as me, we used to always be alone, just us two but now that we had more friends it was just heartbreaking that they weren't there. "come on we need to cheer up, they're gone for 2 months and we need to get on with it" I finally said, Allie tried to smile and then said "you know what, you're right, if we get on the time will fly by" we chose to watch mean girls and then go shopping.

After mean girls had finished I laughed "it's so bad that we can basically quote the whole script of that film" Allie laughed too and then we went into town, we had a routine of the shops we went in and primark came first, as we looked around a really familiar good looking lad came up to us and said "hi beautiful" to Allie "oh er hi Josh" she replied and then he asked her out to dinner with him in the next few weeks and she agreed!!! after he had left I pulled Allie to one side "what the he'll was that? who is he and why are you going on a date with him? your boyfriend hasn't even been gone a day yet!" she looked at me and said sternly "Em, I met him at the beach, he's a nice guy and he knows about Calum oh and its not a date" "yeah definitely not a date, you've just going out to dinner with a guy that calls you beautiful, I do that all the time" I said sarcastically. The rest of the trip was fairly awkward but I was mad with her, I can't believe she'd do that to Calum. I went straight home after town and checked Twitter to see if the guys had been on and I saw an indirect tweet from Michael that read 'missing that special someone more than anything, not even pizza could fix this'll awww he's such a sweetie, not a lot gets between Michael and his pizza so I feel special. I wen to sleep pretty quickly that night because I wanted the first day of the boys leaving to be over and Allie to talk to me again, I knew it would happen fast because we never fall out for long we need each other too much.

~Calum's POV~

I can't stop thinking of Allie, I hope she's okay, I hate it when she's upset, I know these next two months are going to be tough on us all. The Best thing to do is to fall asleep for the journey and listen to music to take my mind off her, not that it would help much but I put my earphones in anyway and blasted out All Time Low songs, I slowly felt my eye lids go heavy and I dropped out like a light, I just hoped that I would wake up in 24 hours which is when we would arrive at Sydney.

~Michael's POV~

I stuffed my face with airplane food to take my mind away from Emily and then Ashton tried to be funny and said "so how about that airline food" nobody laughed, I never understood that joke but adults seemed to find it hilarious guess their sense of humour just isn't as good as normal people's. The food kind of helped but I ended up tweeting about her, the next two months were gonna kill me. Luke, Ash and Cal fell asleep really quickly and I decided to join them, I needed to get used to our new sleeping pattern anyway considering we were going to be the other side of the world.


this is short I know but I didn't want to put too much into the goodbyes because I'm no good at them, I hope you enjoyed and get ready for things to get exciting, I have got big things planned dearies

that made me sound like an old woman but it's true I have so I hope you like them.

see you in the next one, I'll try and make it longer, love you all

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