|| yandere-ish!Uke!Natsu x seme!male!reader ||

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(Eight year Crush) (Requested by....someone mysterious)

"ROAR OF THE FIRE DRAGON!!" Fire erupted from the fire dragons mouth while his hands was placed in fists infront. (M/n) swiftly moved out of the way by teleporting from infront of Natsu, to behind him.

"ROAR OF THE WATER DRAGON!!" (M/n) shouted and cold, freezing water hit Natsu in the back making him fly in to the tree but went threw and the next one...and the next one. Finally he skidded in the dirt and stopped. (M/n) came not long after, running.

"I didn't go to hard on you?" the young (M/n) and Natsu had been sparring for hours, yet Natsu lost everytime. truth is, Natsu had a crush on the (H/c) hair colored male. They had been friends for four years and today was like no other. They were in the woods farther away from the guild so they wouldn't do any damage to the building.

Natsu rolled over and gave out an annoiyed groan, he just want to show him that he, too, could be strong.

The pinkette jumped up on his feet and gave a battle roar and charged at the (H/c) haired male.


Natsu had been yet again defeted(?) by his crush and was laying head first in the ground, ass in the air.

"Natsu-dono maybe we should rest" the taller and older of the two said, ending the sentence with a sigh. A muffled reply came from Natsu as he tried to get himself out of the ground.

another sigh escaped the (H/C)-nette as he took hold of his crushs ankle and ripped out the boy. Dangling upside down, Natsus world began to spin as he felt his stomach flip.

"urghh..." (M/n) let Natsu go and again pick him up, throwing him over his shoulder like a sack of potatos.

"come on"

The silent walk to their shared cottage was comfrable(?) but it was ruined when three older men jumped infront of the duo.

"Now now be nice and good and walk over here so we can capture you, without harming you" said the buffest one. Natsu sprang of (M/n)'s shoulder and lit his fist on fire while his eyes darken.

"NEVER!!" Natsu shouted stubbornly. But before they knew what happend, had their world gone black.


That was eight years ago. Natsu had woken up and found (M/n) missing, no smell or trace after him. he had just disappeard. Natsu had in panic ran to the guild, shouting that (M/n) had been kidnapped.

They searched for days but soon enough gave up but not Natsu, he would keep searching even it was a storm outside or if the rain was pooring down.

The pinkette was ashamed in himself, guilt and regret filled him everytime he feel asleep. He couldn't save his friend-...no his crush, he had ,yet again, lost someone who was the world to him.

Now being 18 Natsu ran to the guild with a grin on his face, ofcourse he hadn't forgotten (M/n). He just didn't want to bring anyone else down. Happy and Natsu slammed open the doors with big smiles, like always. Lucy ,not being far behind, came in threw the wide open doors after them.

Natsu marched over to the mission-board and his gaze fell on the paper with small text on it, but a high reward.


Our village has been attacked for weeks now, children and young adults had started going missing.

Please! Save us!

Reward: 700 800,000,0 Jewells(??)

Natsu's eyes widen and an exciting feeling started bubbeling up inside of him.

Uke! x Seme!Male!reader (ON HIATUS?)Where stories live. Discover now