She's Okay

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Gabby's Pov
We had been waiting for 10 hours before the Dr. Will came in. Family of Lexus. I stood up and Kyle stood beside me holding my hand.
Dr. Will
Lexus is doing better, but we took her into surgery to move all the fragments she's been asking for the both of u.
Gabby's POV
Kyle and I went back to see Lexus watching Spongebob. Kyle asked his sister if he could lay next to her. She scooted over and he set right beside her.
Some of my friends and family came in and gave lots of animals and blankets. Casey brought a bear and a card. Before he left the room he went over to the kids and gave both of them a fist bump.
Dr. Will: We're only going to keep her for a day then she'll be allowed to go home.
One day later
Mill's POV
It was after shift and I knew Gabby and the kids had returned back home.
When I knocked on the door Kyle ran into my arms. I put him beside his sister on the couch and went to see Gabby cleaning in the kitchen. Before I could say anything she grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. There in her yard was the rock that almost killed Lexus.

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