Introducing the kids

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Casey's POV
After shift
I went to my apartment to change my clothes before heading to Gabby's place.
I knocked on the door three times before Kyle came to the door.
Kyle- I remember you. You were at the hospital.
I nodded my head as Gabby came to the door and invited me in.
When I was fully in I saw Mills at the stove cooking while Lexus watched him.
Gabby- Well this is Lexus and this is Kyle she said playing with his hair.
Lexus- Thanks for coming to see me at the hospital Matt.
Matt: no problem
Kyle: would u like to play Mario carts with me?
Matt: I looked at Gabby asking her for permission. She nodded her head and both Kyle and I played the game.
After dinner
Mill's POV
Gabby and I were washing dishes as Casey played with Kyle and Lexus.
Mills: When are u going to tell the three of them?
Gabby: soon (leans in and kisses Mills)
Thirty minutes later
Casey's POV
Gabby was about to put her kids in bed but they said they wanted me to put them in bed I followed behind them and tucked them into bed.

Will Gabby tell Casey and the kids the truth about each other?
Also the next chapters feature Herman and his kids, and Severide and Shay spending time with Casey and the kids.

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