At The Firehouse

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Monday Morning
Severide's Pov
Shay and I were making plans for our first official date, but Shay told me that we should both invite one single friend. I knew what she was hinting at and kissed her with passionate on the lips before going to catch up with Casey.
Casey- Gather everyone up and tell them to meet in the main room.
Severide- Including Chief?
Casey- Definitely him.
In the main room
Everyone looked at Casey as he stood in front everyone.
Casey- Guys I come to you with a very special message.
Casey- Gabby may you please come up?
Gabby walked up to the front of the room where Casey was standing.
Casey- Guys Gabby is an incredible, strong, and single woman. Gabby has raised two kids on her own for the last nine years and you guys were there to help her. I want to thank for that because she's four months pregnant with twins and she's going to need a lot of help. Also the father of her twins is Mills who asks for no part of the twins life.
It was silence in the firehouse for a while but Herman was the first to speak.
Herman- We're all here for u Gabby.
Chief went up to congratulate Gabby and the rest of the firehouse followed behind.

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