it's happening

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Gabby: Hey Dr. Manning wats going on?
Dr. Manning: We're trying to stabilize all your stats so we can deliver your twins through c-section.
Gabby: Where's Casey?
Dr. Manning: He went to go get Kyle and Lexus. He'll be back very soon. Until he gets here what about u get some rest.
30 minutes later
Casey's pov
The kids were doing their hw and Gabby and I were watching tv.
Dr. Manning came in. She looked at Gabby's stats and said that it was time as they prepped Gabby I put my stuff on and Maggie watched Kyle and Lexus for us.
I held Gabby's hand as they made the first incision. It didn't take long before they said first baby out and it was a gir. Several seconds later I heard her cry.
Baby A: Mariya Dawson
The next one was born two minutes later the second baby came. It was a girl.
Baby B: Ariyah Dawson
Doctor: Hey I need a retractor now.
Dr. Manning: Gabby how u doing
Gabby: Good but what's happening.
Doctor: Suction please
Dr. Manning : Just breathe you're doing good
Doctor: I need someone to hold right here.
The doctor shoved his hand in and pulled out the baby.
Baby C: Wawaah Wahn
Doctor: It's a boy
Gabby: Looked at me and asked if his name could be Euriya.
I said yes and kissed her on her lips
Baby C: Euriya Dawson
They stitched Gabby up and sent her back to her room.

Gabby's Pov
I let my kids sit with me as they watched tv. I knew they would be missing until I got out of the hospital so I asked Shay if she could stop by the school and get their hw.

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