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Back at the house
Gabby's Pov
I knocked on the door to my house both of my kids came running over to me. I greeted them both with hugs.
Casey- We cooked dinner for u and here is an envelope from Mills. Thanks I'll be back let me go change.
I walked in my bedroom and read the letter from Mills.
Dear Gabby,
I'm sorry to inform you that I have decided to go back to North Carolina with my mom and sister to take care of our restaurant. I have a big enough house so I was hoping you and the kids would come and live with me. No one knew that I was leaving so don't think anyone knew.
I had just finished the letter when I got a call from my doctor.
Phone call
Doctor: Miss Gabby I was wondering if you could come to my office.
Gabby- Sure when?
Doctor: Do u have time now?
Gabby- Of course.
I walked back to my kids and decided that I would spend the rest of my evening with them.
Casey- What was the note about?
Gabby- Ummmm.....
Will Gabby tell Casey what the letter said?
Why does Gabby need to return to the hospital?
Stay tuned to find out.

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