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Casey- Well when I was in Seattle being chief at another station I saw someone who really caught my eye.
Gabby-Why are u telling me this?
Casey-Because i think u should know who it was?
Gabby-i can't do this Casey.
Casey's Pov
I grabbed Gabby hand as she started to walk away and turned her to look at me.
Casey-Gabby the girl I had my eye on is........
Present tense
Casey- Gabby I had my eyes on u. I saw a picture of u in my wallet and I had to come back and I can't loose u again.
Gabby- Do u really mean that?
Casey's pov
I grabbed both of Gabby's hand and to answer her question I kissed her on the lips.
Antonio's POV
I looked outside the glass and saw Casey and Gabby kissing all I could do was smile knowing they were finally coming around.
Gabby's thoughts in her mind
Am I really ready to get back in a relationship with Casey?
Will people think I'm crazy because of me getting back in a relationship with a person who left me with two kids?
None of this really mattered to me because at this moment that kiss had become so passionate and I missed his soft lips so how could I ever let him stop.

Wow Dawsey is finally coming around.
And the next chapter is about shawsey and shawseride.

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