Luke's Birthday

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1 week later
Gabby's Pov
Saturday afternoon
Casey and I were preparing for Luke's 10th birthday at Chuckee E. Cheese. When the party room was fully decorated Casey called Severide to tell him he can bring the kids.
Casey- Hey
Severide- Wats up
Casey- You can bring Luke and Lexus over now. By time you guys arrive all his other friends will be here.
Severide- Alright we'll be over soon.
15 minutes later
Shay's POV
When we arrived the lights were out and the door was closed to the party room. Luke opened the door and everyone shouted.
Everyone- Suprise!!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
10 minutes later
Casey's pov
The kids had went to play which left only the adults in the room.
The chat
Herman- Gabby and Casey when do you plan on telling your kids the truth?
Gabby- Soon
Casey- Well we don't want it to put stress on the twins so we should wait.
Gabby- Great idea but I think they deserve to know.
Severide- Well guys on a happier note I finally found a girlfriend.
Herman- Really who?
Severide- It's Shay.
Gabby- I totally didn't see that coming but congratulations.
Casey- Yeah congratulations.
Herman- Now we have to get Casey and Gabby a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Casey- I'm good being single I actually have my eye on someone.
Herman- Who would that be?
Casey- It's really no one's business.
Gabby- To be honest the only thing that I get out of a relationship is kids and heartbreak.

Well guys there is going to be a part two to this but I'm enjoying this story.

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