Going home

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The Next day in the morning
Severide's pov
Shay and I walk into Gabby's room and Luke and Lexus come running to us we give them a head then go and check on Gabby and Matt. They were busy putting the babies diapers on and cleaning their room back up.
Shay: Guy's can you guys pause for second we bought u guys something.
Severide:Hey kiddos come on over here.
When Gabby and Casey opened the bag and pulled out the family pack of mustache shirt they all have us a hug and we also brought some triplet onzies.
Lexus: Mom can we go put them on?
Luke: please can we.
Gabby: Go ahead
Casey: let's go put our's on too.
Gabby: What about the triplets?
Casey: That's what their uncle and aunt is here for.
Shay and I dressed the kids in their mustache onzies. I put my arm around Shay's neck as we looked at our nieces and nephew.
Shay: I want that.
Severide: It's coming but I want to make sure that u got that ring on it.
Shay laughed when I said that and I kissed her onher lips as we waited for everyone to come out.
Shay: U guys all look very stunning
Gabby: Thank now let's finish getting packed and get out of here.
Casey's Pov
Gabby and I finished putting hats and mittens on the triplets in than we put them in the car seats. Severide took one and I took the other two. Gabby and Shay grabbed the bags. When we got to the car I put all the kids in and helped Gabby get in the car. Shay and Severide went to their car and I hopped into the drivers side and drove away.

Caption: Their family car

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Caption: Their family car.

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